Blue and Pink? How Odd...

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"They're still bickering..." I shook my head, "is this normal, Kyoya-san?" I turned to Kyoya, a puzzled look on my face as I heard the commotion ongoing in the cafeteria. Kyoya's eyes were fixated on his notebook as he spoke, "well... if this continues, we may be facing a few losses..."

As Tamaki, Kyoya, Mori-senpai, Honey-senpai and I entered the cafeteria, I noticed the twins growling at each other in front of the staff while Haruhi stood aside, staring at them dumbfounded. "I was wondering what all the fuss was about." Tamaki-san said, "you two are still fighting? You're ruining the image of the host club."

Haruhi and I made eye-contact, and I gave her an apologetic smile. She shook her head in response, a sigh escaping her. "We've had enough of this!" Honey-senpai said, standing in between the twins. "Hika-chan and Kao-chan, I want  you two to go handsies on this cake! I want a piece too, so that means we'll have to go thirdsies. But I want the strawberry in the middle... and we can't split the strawberry so I guess I'll take it!" As Honey-senpai rambled on, it didn't seem like the cake he was offering was really working. In fact, it only made things worse as the tension between the twins grew heavy, and Mori-senpai had to pull Honey-senpai out of there before he caused unintentional chaos.

'How oblivious Honey-senpai was...' I pinched the bridge of my nose, heading over towards Haruhi, before some obnoxious scoundrel arrived, "Haruhi! I didn't expect to see you here!" Tamaki's calm demeanor changed almost immediately when he saw Haruhi, like a Golden Retriever seeing its owner. 

"Hey, Tamaki-senpai, Y/N-senpai." She greeted, and I gave her a warm smile, "I never see you eating lunch in the cafeteria. Ah, boxed lunch?" I pointed towards her lunchbox neatly wrapped in cloth. It reminded me so much of...

"Boxed lunch? You want them to think of us as commoners eating leftovers for lunch?!"

"This was what I grew up eating everyday for lunch. It's how we tried saving money, not like you'd understand... Can't my child grow up with the habit of saving money and appreciating food?"

My heart sank at the memory, 'Dad... mom... I miss you... so so much...' I stared at the ground before Tamaki's loud squealing shocked me out of my trance. "Haruhi! I don't care that the lunch you made for me is in some shabby box, wrapped in some ugly rag! I'd eat it!"

I sighed once more, heading over to Kyoya's side to order my lunch, "I  have no idea what you're talking about. Your words are incoherent, Tamaki-san." Kyoya spoke nonchalantly as I shook my head. 

As I held onto my tray, I turned towards the table where Kaoru and Haruhi were, noticing Haruhi's delight written across her face as she took a bite from Kaoru's meal. "It's good, isn't it Haruhi~?" Tamaki whispered as he stared at her.  "I want you to eat like that everyday!" He cried. 

I looked away, utterly embarrassed at Tamaki's weird antics. 'What is he talking about...?' Suddenly, a hand rested on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was, noticing a very bright pink in the corner of my eye. "Hikaru?"

"Y/N-senpai! Would you like to try some of my lunch? I'm sure it's even better than whatever Kaoru picked out." He spoke, bitterness laced in his voice. "O-oh... well..." I looked at the food on his tray, my eyes sparkling as I saw (f/f) on it. "Oh? Y/N-senpai, do you perhaps like (f/f)?" He pulled me with him, sitting me right in front of Haruhi and Kaoru. I could see Kaoru glaring daggers at Hikaru, before a finger was placed underneath my chin, "Y/N-senpai~! Say ah~" He had a spoonful of (f/f) in front of my face, before Kaoru grabbed the spoon and ate whatever was on it, "Quit butting in, Kaoru." Hikaru grumbled, "how about you stop butting in first?" Kaoru spoke with the spoon still in his mouth.


A soft chuckle escaped me as I saw Kaoru use Tamaki as a human shield to shield from the incoming plate of soup flying towards him. Tamaki's face was covered in Creamy Shrimp and Crab Bisque, and he seemed to be stuck in a trance. I sighed as they began throwing food at each other, engaging in a food fight. 

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