Chapter 1 - Solentville

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Solentville Tales Chapter 1

It was early one morning when Jack was awoken from his slumber reaching out for his alarm clock,which in this day and age insisted on playing a different song for every morning which it was set on the previous evening.
Listening to "Baby Love" by Diana Ross was really too much for anyone's ears at 8 am.

He decided to get up and make himself decent before the long trip in to Southampton where he would meet up with Tom who was his partner at the local boatyard.

Jack was a stocky sort of bloke in his mid fifties growing old gracefully with the charm of a piranha.Tom however was a decade or so younger and had a young family to support,he had just recently been made redundant at "Southern Aviation" and had gone in to business with Jack as a partner in the boatyard.

Jack's business of course was building boats and lots of them.When he wasn't building boats he would prefer to spend his time gallivanting around the local pubs and clubs around Southampton choosing to spend his time boozing with his old pal Roy who worked at the boatyard.

Both men were born and bred locally and hadn't lived outside their home community so grew up there from boy to man.

It was just after 10 am when Jack finally sorted himself out and was now ready to leave his cottage where he lived and depart for the city.It would take him 20 minutes by car travelling due west from the centre of Northam and over the bridge in to Ocean village.He had made an appointment to meet Tom over a coffee with a view to discussing the financial shortcomings of their financial business,namely the yard.

Scene 1 - The Arrival -

Jack- Hi Tom how are you?,have you had breakfast yet?

Tom - No Jack I have been way too busy for any snap this morning.Now what did you call me out at this time of the morning for?.

Jack- It's like this Tom we've got a slight problem with our cash flow at the yard and what with there being a recession on I'm afraid the orders have dried up.Have you any suggestions how we could drum up some new business?.

Tom-Oh right up the shit creek without a paddle hey?,I don't know Jack maybe we could hire a P/A or get someone in the boat marketing business to take a look,it's a new one on me.
I'm used to designing planes not boats but I guess that's all changed now that I have come on board with you.

Jack- what have you got planned for the rest of the day Tom?,I'm off to Lyndhurst this afternoon for a spot of lunch with a chap called Charles.He's a business magnet who apparently wants to sponsor "The Isle of Wight cup" or should that be "The Needles cup".
Anyway it's really a chance for me to find out if I can find out whether he might know some local contacts in the local community who require a boat building,what do you think of the idea?.

Tom-Fine Jack it looks like you've got it covered and I will be tied up meeting my estranged wife Jan at the solicitors.We will be discussing a divorce settlement with her lawyer at midday or so I am lead to believe so I had better look sharp.

Both men smiled at each other then went their separate ways,it was fast approaching noon when Tom had just left the high street and he was now heading towards Bernhard Street and the offices of the local solicitor outside Above Bar Street.

He was beginning to worry about the kind of settlement that his wife might be seeking not to mention his financial plight.Would she be looking to take him for every penny? Or would she see sense as both of them were responsible for the finances of their two children Lynn and Leo.

He started to feel the butterflies as he walked in to the reception area of the solicitors before introducing himself to the receptionist.

He was immediately escorted to a room where he met up with his estranged wife,her own solicitor and his own brief.They all sat in silence before Jan spoke to her brief and asked Tom a favour.

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