Chapter 22 - Ken swoops on Jan as Tom's life hangs in the balance

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Solentville  Tales Chapter 22- Ken swoops on Jan as Tom's life hangs in the balance

It was still raining quite hard and the wind was making life difficult for Tom as he held on to his car's bumper.Then suddenly in an instant he lost his grip and was flung towards the swollen river downstream.

The river had completely engulfed most of the local roads and only some of the branches on the tallest trees were visible above the vast swollen river.

Tom was becoming desperate as further and further he was dragged away from dry land and it appeared that he was only a matter of minutes from certain death from drowning in the dangerous river.

Suddenly out of nowhere he heard a voice call out to him in the distance,there appearing in front of him was a canoeist who who had earlier been paddling furiously away from Tom's location.

Just when everything seemed lost for Tom he had a tiny hope of self preservation to cling on to.

The boat was only now a matter of feet away but appeared to be trapped between two stumps and it wasn't going anywhere soon but that was just as well given the awful torrential conditions the canoeist would have to navigate in order to pass through safely.

Darkness had long since descended upon this small pretty hamlet which was just south of the city centre.

Visibility was non-existent and he could barely make out the canoeist's features who was within his grasp.

He was now holding on to a branch for dear life not even daring to think of sanctuary,he just needed to focus on preserving his own life right now.

It was difficult not to focus on his family,in an instant his whole life flashed in front of his eyes and then soon help was at hand as the two men finally came in to contact with other.


Canoeist- Are you alright mate?,I'm going to pass you a rope which I have in the canoe,you need to tie it around your waist and then I'll attempt to pull it towards me ok?.

Tom- Yes I think I am ok,nothing broken,I'm just a bit sore and bruised.What a lucky break you being at the right place at the right time,ok pass me the rope and we'll give it a go.

Canoeist- We don't have much time as the high spring tide will only increase the river levels so we had better look sharp and try to make a move soon.

Tom- Right you are,ok I've got the rope now what?,I daren't let go with my other hand otherwise I'll lose my grip and end up downstream.How can I tie myself to the rope one handed?.

Canoeist- You are going to have to hold on to the branch with your feet and ankles or it's not going to work.

Tom- Ok here goes,phew !!!! I made it.

Canoeist- Ok that's the trickiest part done now I will need to pull you in.

Tom- By the way I was just curious to know why you were out tonight in these awful weather conditions,it's dangerous even for an able skilled canoeist.

Canoeist- One of my son's was out on a field trip with his friend before all of this bad weather started and I've been looking for him and his pal for over 24 hours.

They were camped in the woods just over there but that's all under water now and right now I am  fearing the worst for them.

Tom- Oh my goodness I'm so sorry you must be worried sick,right here we are what next?.


Tom settled into the boat along the canoeist and both decided that it was now safe to paddle towards the hamlet end.

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