Chapter 3 - Fresh new beginnings - The credit crunch

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Solentville Tales chapter 3 - Fresh new beginnings - The Credit Crunch

The bright sunshine broke through a tiny crack in Jan's bedroom curtains which had the desired affect of waking her from what seemed an endless sleep.

She glanced at her watch and by her reaction it must have been later than she Imagined.She quickly jumped out of her bed and ran downstairs after putting her flimsy dressing gown on around her warm bare shoulders.

Just then the doorbell rang as she found her favourite furry pink slippers and made her way to the front door only to discover to her surprise that it was Jack awaiting a response.

Jack- Hello love ! Is Tom in?,I need to discuss a little business arrangement with him.I expect you will have heard he's joined ranks with me at the yard in a sleeping capacity,talking of which you don't look as if you got much last night.Have you been shopping?.

Jan- I'm sure I don't know what you mean Jack,shopping no of course I haven't,oh very funny you mean the bags under my eyes ha bloody ha.

No I haven't seen Tom and if you don't mind I need to get ready as I have my own business to attend to so if you don't mind.

Jack-Alright love don't bite my head off,I'm only the bloody messenger,if you see him tell him I was looking for him,right Bill is next on my list of people to visit,see you soon.

Jan- Not if I see you first you won't.

What a bloody cheek she thought as she slammed the door shut as she viewed the amount of cigar smoke which had entered her home during her conversation with Jack.

Now she had just 20 minutes to get ready before her meeting with the boutiques shareholders at "The Merchants House" just off the high street in town which she had hastily arranged with Polly her manageress.

A press officer would be present,this would be big news in the local community if their favourite lady entrepreneur was to go out of business.

She also had other fashion houses in London and Paris,she was about to expand her empire before the recession had started to bite in those cities.

Having signed up 4 new dress designers and offering each of them a long term contract she would have obligations to either pay them off or keep them on the payroll.

With a shortage of funds she was becoming seriously concerned how she would survive in the short term.

Suddenly she realised something which amused her,all the time she had been talking to Jack her dressing gown had become loose exposing her left breast.

She also realised that the higher part of her leg was uncovered too during her conversation with him.

How embarrassing she thought to herself,I wonder if Jack liked a bit of leg in the morning as he will have copped a full view.

The time was now just after midday as she quickly grabbed her car keys and sped off in her Mercedes Benz towards the centre of Southampton.

She would park up at Ocean Village car park and then walk the 20 or so yards to the Merchant's Hall which was a 13th Century listed building.

It had a long history attached to it like the nearby Tudor Buildings,having been used by merchants in the town throughout the various centuries when they landed at the port to sell their products.

It seemed a fitting place to hold the meeting if indeed Jan's business was about to go belly up as she would have to sell her boutiques to the highest bidder.

Luckily her Mum Kate would also be in attendance to offer her moral support,the meeting was scheduled to begin in 5 minutes and Jan was still stuck in traffic around the Western Esplanade which was in the south West of the city centre.

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