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summary: stray kids are in the mafia and they have a mission to find Yoosik's phone (he's their enemy) and jisung is the first one to find it.

violence, blood ⚠️

stray kids separated themselves as they got into Yoosik's mansion. jisung went downstairs, lighting up the place with his flashlight.

seconds later, he stepped on something and it cracked. surprised, he directed the flashlight at whatever he stepped on, which turned out to be a phone.

"ah. there it is." he kneeled down to grab it. as soon as he did, the screen lighted up and all of sudden, it just unlocked with the face id.

jisung had no idea how it's even possible as he wasn't yoosik. but it was better for him anyways.

then, it started to scare him a little. how is that possible for a phone to unlock without the actual owner, especially with face id?

he then looked up completely terrified, meeting yoosik's eyes. the man stared at him in the most creepy way, probably being here right after jisung arrived.

jisung let out a scream as yoosik attacked him, tackling him to the ground. the boy laid there, trying to kick the guy off.

yoosik's next movement was unexpected. he pulled out a piece of glass, trying to stab jisung in the eye.

as a protection jisung used his hand to stop the male from stabbing him in the eye which resulted the glass to pierce through his hand.

he screamed in pain as it only cut deeper and deeper. blood fell onto his face, when yoosik pulled it out.

"you little bitch." those were the first words that came out of the olders mouth.

jisung still tried to block the male from hitting him, using all the strength he had in his hands even though one of them literally had a hole.

he tried to ignore the pain as he didn't really want to loose his eye nor get beaten up to death. he also tried to call the members through his earpiece but it was no use as yoosik noticed it and ripped the earpiece.

jisung fought back dearly. yoosik tried to stab him once again, but jisung moved a little in the last moments and because of that, the glass stabbed him in the shoulder instead of his neck.

he groaned in pain, putting his injured hand on his bloody shoulder, pulling the glass out. he knew he shouldn't have done that, but the pain was too much.

he switched the object to his non injured hand, gripping on it as it cut his skin a little. without any hesitation, jisung stabbed yoosik in the neck.

the younger pushed it in, deeper and deeper.

yoosik let out a painful scream which echoed through the whole mansion probably. tears ran down his cheeks as he struggled to stay alive.

his oxygen was getting cut off and in the last moment, he pushed jisung's hand away, pinning it to the ground.

"i'll fucking murder you!" he yelled before gripping his hands on jisung's neck with an iron grip.

the boy struggled not to pass out, however, he had no idea how to get out of this situation.

"if someone is strangling you, you can't try to pull their hands away. that won't work. instead, you have to use your elbows and try to push this persons hands apart as hard as you can." changbin's voice echoed through his mind.

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