Chapter 1: A tragedy begins

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A couple days ago a war between vampires and humans broke out. Nobody knows where the vampires came from, some will say vampires are a myth but when I tell you this you'll regret ever saying that. One night while my uncle was on cross walk duty he saw what looked like a dark figure zoom across the sky he thought it was a witch but boy was he wrong. He shrugged it off as his imagination playing tricks on him. He heard a rustle in the bushes behind him so when he turned around to see what caused it he froze in fear. A six foot tall man dressed in all black, dark oak colored dress shoes and dark piercing green eyes stared at him and when it spoke it sent shivers down my uncles spine, "I've came here to hunt the living to exterminate all of human kind and you are now my first victim." The figure said in a very deep voice that could be heard for miles. Before my uncle could react it was already to late the dark figure lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. My uncle tried to save himself but he was met with a piercing sharp pain on his neck he became light headed and passed out due to blood loss. Someone saw him and rushed him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead in the hospital. Nobody knew who killed him because the figure vanished into thin air. Then a couple days later a army of vampires came rushing out of the sky at night the swat team had to get involved and most of them didn't make it. The ones that did called for backup. I was asleep until I heard the sirens and screams of people and police officers I quickly got up and put on my slippers and ran outside and when I did it traumatized me for life. Blood on the city crosswalks and on buildings, guns being shot at the flying figures and the bullets just went through them, officers getting mind controlled and twisting their bodies in ways regular humans can't. I tried not to scream and I ran away and people started doing that to, I tripped on my own foot and fell onto the concrete. I heard someone run up to me and it sounded like a teenager, "Hey come on we need to get out of here! I'll help you up" The boy said. I looked up at him he had short curly black hair that reached just behind his ears, a AC/DC shirt on, and green baggy pants, his eyes were a hazel color and he had this smile on his face, "Thanks.. I guess.." I said grabbing his hand. I was not to much shorter than him but still shorter, "Did you hurt your leg?" He said, "Y-Yeah." I said urging not to fall again. I didn't say anything else and he picked me up bridal style, "So what's your name?" He said going into a alleyway to hide, "I-I'm Asher." I said hesitating, "Cool! I'm Oliver nice to meet you" Oliver said. He put me down and pulled out some bandages and wrapped my leg up. "There that should heal soon" he said, "Thanks." I said keeping my leg still to not hurt it more

Chapter 2 coming soon!

𝒱𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒾𝓇ℯ ℰ𝓂𝓅𝒾𝓇ℯ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora