Chapter 7: Our worst nightmare

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I woke up to a loud crash in the main entrance. I turned to Oliver which he was knocked out cold, I shook him to wake him up, "Ollie.. Ollie." I said whispering loud enough for him to hear me, "Hmm?" Oliver said still half asleep, "Did you hear that.?" I said whispering, "No..?" Oliver said finally waking up, "We should probably check what made that noise-" I got cut off by another loud thud outside the room. We got up and quickly grabbed our bags and slowly made our way out the room to explore. As soon as we started going down the stairs we saw a shattered photo frame, "What the.." I said not knowing what to say. I didn't have time to react before I got knocked to the ground which it made me tumble down the stairs, "Asher are you ok?!" Oliver said generally concerned. I groaned in pain but I managed to give him a thumbs up. Oliver came sprinting down the stairs and helped me up. When I fell it impacted my right arm, "I can't move my arm.." I said still in pain, "Here let me see." Oliver said gently grabbing my arm. He examined it and well it was painful as hell, "I think you broke your arm." Oliver said, "But we're in the middle of a huge town and there's no hospitals around to at least get a arm cast." I said worried. Oliver saw me in that state and he couldn't stand seeing me hurt so he pulled me into a hug, "Don't worry we'll find something" Oliver said trying to cheer me up. When we we're hugging I saw a dark silhouette at the top of the stairs and it was getting closer to us, "Oliver... we have a problem." I said to him. Oliver turned around and saw it to. The vampire dived towards Oliver and pinned him to the ground, luckily Oliver had his arrow for his bow. He pulled it out and jabbed the vampire in the chest and it evaporated into a bloody mess like always, "Still hella disgusting." I said chuckling, "We should get out of here." Oliver said trying to wipe his face. Oliver eventually got up and we got our stuff and walked out of that mansion into the town......

Chapter 8 out soon!

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