Chapter 2: Vampires blood

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After awhile we got to know each other surprisingly no creatures found us, "Is your leg feeling better?" Oliver said. I looked up at him, "Yeah." I said still in a lot of pain, "How about you try walking to build it back up" Oliver said helping me up. I got up using him as support and just like that I collapsed to my knees again. I groaned in pain and tried to get back up but Oliver gently pushed me to the ground, "No trying to walk you clearly are still hurt" he said elevating my leg on a piece of a cardboard box, "I'll try to go find some crutches at the local hospital." He said looking around for any danger, "Just.. be careful don't get yourself killed!" I said worried, "I won't I promise" he said smiling at me then running off. I waited there for a few minutes then I heard someone approaching. My heart was racing and I turned to face the direction it was coming from and then I saw it.. A tall dark figure with bright red eyes, "Shit.." I said terrified. I quickly tried scooting as far back as possible from the figure but it was no use.. It lunged at me and was about to kill me, but another one dived right into it and they fought to the death. I guess they we're fighting over who gets to kill me.. It was a good time for me to run away so I used every single willpower in my whole body to forced myself up and run out of that alleyway. I was cursing off my pain in my head and then I finally saw Oliver running towards me with a pair of crutches. I ran as fast as I could to him and jump-hugged him, "Idiot what took you so long I almost got killed!" I said panting like I just ran a marathon, "Well they didn't have anymore crutches in the ground floor prep room so I had to go to the second floor to find some" he said giving me the crutches, "You'll eventually get used to them just practice with them while we get to safety" he said. I used the crutches to semi-sprint into the forest. We walked for what felt like hours but my arms eventually got tired and we had to just make a hideout where we were at, in the middle of the forest, "Great. No protection from wildlife" I said annoyed, "Well that's why I brought sleeping bags and food" Oliver said taking the stuff out of his bag, "Here's your sleeping bag" he said handing me mine, "Thanks." I said laying the sleeping bag down. I got into the sleeping bag and got situated in it. I immediately passed out due to being exhausted and Oliver just kept an eye out for any creatures. While I was asleep I felt a hand gently stroke my hair and I thought it was a vampire so I quickly woke up but it turns out it was Oliver, "You ok?" He said concerned, "Yeah I just thought you touching me was a vampire or something" I said calming down, "Well go back to sleep you need the rest" he said. I put my head back down on the sleeping bag and went back to sleep......

                        Chapter 3 out soon!

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