15. Save the drama

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My parents are the most supportive and understanding people ever. I remember when Chris came out as bisexual meaning you like both boys and girls, he kept it from them for over 3 years but everyone else knew. He was scared they were gonna judge him and make him feel bad about himself after hearing all these stories about other people that came out and got rejected by their family. When he finally told them my mom was completely understanding, my dad didn't exactly accept it at first but he never talked down on his son he just told him "I don't agree with it but regardless you're still my child and I love you no matter what and im proud of you for being who you are". Being any type of gay wasn't exactly accepted people would lose respect for you. Being who Chris is, people in the streets would take him as a joke you a thug but like niggas too? It wouldn't work. Only a hand full of people knows Chris genuinely. My mom always said you should never judge someone for who they are. Didn't matter if they spoke funny, acted funny, walked funny, looked funny, or even smelled funny it's not your business to go around making people feel bad for something they can't control you never know whats going on behind closed doors. If you have something you wanna say you don't do it in front of no big crowd you talk to them in private and help them not discourage them.

Was the same for fights. If you ever chose to fight someone (which I did...a lot) you never do no shit in front of everyone you do it alone with maybe two other people to break it up once you've gotten enough blows in. We had fair rules for fighting and everything.

1. Never pull hair. Why exactly are you gripping my press like that?
2. Never continue to hit somebody when they're down (unless you're down with them) you wait until they've gotten back up and collected theirselves.
3. Never kick someone in a fight this is not soccer.
4. Never bring multiple people to fight one person, you not doing nothing but being a bully.
5. Once y'all fought all that shit y'all had stays there we don't have to be friends but we l definitely don't have to be spiteful towards each other anymore.

Now granted not everyone I fought followed these rules but thats just how it was.

June 23rd 1988

I walked around my room trying to find my lipstick. "It didn't just walk away" I said to myself as I looked in my closet on the floor.

"Maybe it did"

I jumped up seeing Prince standing in the doorway. Im bout tired of his ass sneaking up on me let me tell you THAT. "What are you doing."

"Im visiting my girlfriend...has a nice ring to it. My girlfriend."

I smiled shyly "you think you're cute?"

He tilted his head and smiled "im taking you out tonight."

I got up "no you're not."


"Because knowing you its something expensive."

"Whats wrong with expensive?"

I got up "nothing I just don't want you spending a bunch of money on me."

"Well what do you suggest we do?"

I thought for a moment "I wanna go to the beach."

"The beach?"

"Yes and I wanna buy fruit and games and bring my radio and I wanna just talk."

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