Warning: (IMPORTANT)

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Before you continue on in this little manual, I must warn you. There may be dire consequences to what you do here. This may include: Death, murder of a loved one(s), stalking, injury, trauma, kidnapping, torture and more.

So yeah, be careful.

Keep in mind you aren't a fanfic protagonist- These entities can and probably will kill you, and they have no reason not to. They won't magically spare you because you try to befriend them most likely.

They are still killers.

Tread with caution. At the end of each summoning there is instructions on how to survive or escape said Creepypasta if you want a way out, but whether you succeed or not cannot be guaranteed. 

Here are some general things to keep in mind, though:

-Try not to visibly show fear; if they know you're terrified it will encourage them to do something sooner rather than later

-Only summon each one once- If it doesn't work the first time they could still be stalking you, and you'll annoy them by doing it again

-DO NOT try and diss or insult them, please- It'll piss them off and you don't want them angry

-Keep away from any strange noises or sights, you're not Dora the Explorer and you will probably die

With all that said, have fun! But please, do be careful. What you do here can't be reversed. Once you do this, there's no stepping back. 

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