Jeff The Killer

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Resources needed:

-A knife

-A small amount of blood (animal or human, doesn't matter)

-A white candle

-A lighter



In order for this to work it needs to be in between the hours of 11-12 AM (23:00-1:00) at night. Light your candle. 


Get the knife and dip it in the small bit of blood.


Hold the very tip of the knife up to your chest (don't stab or cut yourself) and chant "Jeff the Killer" three times


If the ritual works, he'll either stab you, appear in the room or start stalking you. Should he appear and try to stab you, use the knife for defense purposes. You may feel eyes on you for the next while. 


Jeff cannot be escaped, but you can evade him long enough he might leave you alone. Sleep with a weapon next to you, and if you have a big dog or pet keep it in your room at night. Lock all doors and windows. Should you encounter him in reality and he tries to break in or kill you, Move houses. It doesn't have to be to another country, just not down the street. Don't go out into secluded or sketchy areas alone (just generally don't do that, even if you're not being hunted by a Creepypasta-)

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