Eyeless Jack

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Resources needed:

-Kidney (preferably two or you may suffer death)

-A bedroom

-A house


-A voice

-A bed

-A weapon of any sort


Lock all doors and windows, and bring a weapon with you. Lie on your bed alone at night (when its dark out and the sun has fully set) and place your hands where your kidneys are (on your stomach)


Close your eyes and whisper to yourself: "Eyeless Jack, take my kidney."


Look outside.


If the ritual has been preformed at the proper hour and correctly, by looking out your window two possible things will happen. The first thing is that you will see a hooded, shadowy figure attempting to get into your house. Or, you will see strange sightings for the next while, and may experience scarring or pain in the kidney area.


Eyeless Jack cannot be escaped. But, it is recommended to not sleep alone, and to have a weapon with you at all times. Sleep during the day if absolutely necessary and possible. If you have a pet of some sort have them sleep in the room with you. Eyeless Jack shouldn't kill you, but injury is very likely. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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