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As Kyro, Momo and Katsuki reached the support gear workshop they could hear heavy machinery from outside the door.
They walk in and Kyro is immediately greeted by Mei Hatsume.

"So you must be the person I was asked to make an arm for! You are much cooler looking than I thought! I'm Mei Hatsume! Nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you too Mei. I'm Kyro." He replied.

"So how did you lose your arm?" She asked.

"I... Id rather not talk about it.." he replied.

"Alright then! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" She said, smiling at him.

She then showed him the arm and helped him attach it.

"Now just try using it as you would with a normal arm!" She suggested to Kyro, waiting to see if it works.

Kyro proceeded to grab something off the desk with it and was shocked.

"That's incredible!" He exclaimed
"It works!" She shouted happily

"Thank you so much!" Kyro exclaimed, shaking her hand profusely.
"Oh and one more thing" he pulled out his hero suit which was torn up and incredibly damaged, "my hero suit kinda got destroyed.. could you get it repaired for me?" He asked her, rubbing the back of his head.

"We can get that done for ya! Is there any improvements you would like as well?" She replied, pulling out a notepad.

"Well.. I'd really like it to be redesigned actually. Instead of how it is now.. could I get a dark shirt, dark legwear, boots with claws/spikes on the front, a brown jacket with tungsten rings on the sleeves and a glove for my other hand that also has claws on them? S-sorry if that's too much.." He explained. Mei had finished taking notes and smiled.

"Absolutely! We can get that to you just after the sports festival!" She said cheerfully.

"Really? Thank you so much" Kyro said, smiling widely before waving goodbye and leaving the room with Momo by his side.

School had ended for the day and Momo stayed over at kyros house for the night again, sleeping on the couch with him again.
Mitsuki and Masaru (I think that's his name) joked about how those two would make such a cute couple.

The next day, Kyro, Momo and Katsuki all walked to school together and entered the class.

Kyro sat down and everybody looked at his new arm in awe. Kyro was getting nervous at everyone looking at him, it reminded him about how everyone would stare at him and call him a freak back in middle school. Momo noticed this and held his hand to which he held hers tightly, his arm shaking slightly.

"Cool arm bro! It looks so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed, patting him on the back.

"Thanks Kirishima.." Kyro replied looking down nervously.

Suddenly Aizawa spoke up and explained that in a few weeks the sports festival will be happening.

"I expect all of you to be training from today. You have 2 weeks. Get to work." He explained before sending them to the P.E grounds.

Once they arrived they all began to train. Kyro was seeing how his quirk would work with his new arm and turned it into a scythe.

"Woah! So my arm can be modified by my quirk!? Awesome!" He exclaimed.

Momo smiled with admiration and couldn't keep her eyes off him, neither could Mina.
Kyro asked Momo to create training dummies for him and she did so right away.
Kyro dashed at one of them and span in the air slicing its head off.

He then did a back flip and jabbed a sword into the head of another training dummy. Suddenly kyro noticed green circuit patterns appearing on his arms, these then increased his speed and strength. After a while all the training dummies where in pieces, completely destroyed. Kyro got up, his PE shirt torn showing his scarred chest.

"Did.. I get em all?" He said between breaths as he was exhausted.

Momo blushed at the sight and nodded
"Yeah.. you did." She said covering her face.

"Cool... Ya mind catching me?" He said as the green circuits disappeared and he fell forward into her arms. Momo caught him, his head landing on her chest.
"Comfy..." He muttered before passing out due to exhaustion.

She carried him home and laid on the couch with him until he woke up.

When he did, he got dressed and walked her home, not realising he was holding her hand.

-----------------END OF CHAPTER----------------

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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