Chapter 1

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Tris POV:

I hate this life. I wonder, what even happened to us? Me and Tobias, I thought we were invincible. We went through so much together that nothing could tear us apart. I don't know why he left. Maybe it's because he found out my dirty secret. That my innocence was stripped away from me forcefully by a stranger whom I'll never know. That when I look in the mirror I see a person with angry red scars littered across my body, as a reminder of what that monster did to me. And I didn't resist it because I believed that I deserved it. 

I'm standing in my bathroom, zoning out. My pale blue eyes look gaunt in the lighting, my skin so pale I could be dead. My hair lies limp, short and thin. I died the ends the colors of the bisexual flag, but it faded to a sickly mix of green, light pink and purple. I am proudly bisexual, Four being the only male I ever dated. I am short, about 5ft3". I have small A cups and hardly any hips. I swear, sometimes I feel flatter than flat Stanley. I am built like a child. Angular, bony, skinny, pale.  I look at my scars again. I've never self harmed before, but many people mistook the scars on my body for that. Afterwards, I just stopped caring. I wore what I wanted. My parents knew anyways, not the details, but they knew that I went through something extremely traumatic. I'm not in therapy, though. My dad doesn't believe in that stuff.

 I glance at the clock. 6:44. I should start getting ready. I walk over to my closet. I've always been a fan of the more alternative side of fashion and music, so I end up picking out bright red combat boots, ripped black jeans, and a red tank top with my favorite band on it, Pierce the Veil. I through on a leather jacket and apply my makeup. Eyeliner, mascara and a dark brown lipstain. I wouldn't have that if not for my best friend, Christina. I grab my car keys and run down to my black Mercedes. Out of habit, my hand reaches out and turns up the volume. My favorite song by 2 of my favorite singers, Vic Fuentes and Kellin Quinn plays. (King For a Day)

Imagine living like a king someday

A single night without a ghost in the wall

I drive faster, watching as my school approaches quickly . I dread today. The first time I will look at Tobias's face since he broke up with me. 

Soon, I arrive at the parking lot. As I step out of my car, my phone gets a notification. Great, looks like Christina isn't coming because she's sick. Her being my only real friend, I'll have to face school alone, and with me being a complete social wallflower, I'm not bound to make any more friends.

I step inside and immediately my palms start sweating. I dig my black coated nails into my hands in hopes of gaining some strength. Pushing back my shoulders and standing tall, I walk with feigned confidence to my locker. Unlocking it and grabbing my books, I run to my first class. Math, with Mr. Eric Coulter. The worst teacher. 

I take my seat as he takes role, zoning out a little bit. I am brought back to reality when I hear the mention of a class trip. My dad will make me go, I'm sure of it. Mr. Coulter mentions that girls and boys will have to share dorms since there's not enough room, and that it is only this class who is going. YAY. Since this is AP Calculus, I'm bunched up with tons of seniors, including Four and his little trope. And I have no friends in this class. Oh and I forgot to mention, the only other girls in here are Lauren and her little "clique", who hate me since Lauren is Fours ex. 

Four. The name sends shivers down my spine because I realize I have almost completely  stopped thinking of him as Tobias. Almost, not yet. I dare sneak a look behind me, just to regret it. I spot him and Zeke, his best friend, flirting with Lauren and her friends. Well its mostly Zeke doing the flirting, but Four is still participating. It sends a shot of pain through me as tears cloud my eyes. I turn back around before they catch me staring and get angry again. 

How did we end up like this?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora