Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Bonds Formed

As Yoongi opened the door, revealing our unexpected visitors, I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and curiosity. Six unfamiliar faces greeted us, each wearing a playful grin.

"Hey, Yoongi, we thought we'd drop by and see how your move-in went," one of them said, stepping forward with a friendly smile. He was tall, with wide shoulders, and had black hair, wearing a white open-collared shirt with jeans.

Yoongi returned the smile, though I could sense a hint of uncertainty in his demeanor. "Uh, yeah, it went well. Thanks for stopping by," he replied, gesturing for them to come inside.

As their guests filed into the room, I found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden influx of people. I hung back slightly, observing the interaction between Yoongi and his friends.

"So, who's this?" one of them asked, nodding in my direction. His hair was short, and though tall himself, his dimples were unmistakable as he flashed a smile my way.

"Oh, sorry. This is (Y/n), your new roommate," Yoongi introduced me with a warm smile. "And (Y/n), these are my friends from NYU."

"(Y/N), huh? Nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook," one of the friends said, offering a friendly wave and smile, highlighting his bunny teeth and tattooed arm.

"Hi Jungkook," I replied, returning the gesture with a shy smile.

Someone pushed past the rest, almost the same height as Yoongi but a bit shorter, with silver hair—an ethereal look. "Hi (Y/N), my name's Jimin. I'm a major in psychology and minor in dance and theater."

"Hi Jimin, I'm also in theater! We should talk about our schedules together and see if we have any in common!" I exclaimed, finally excited to meet someone who might have similar classes so I wouldn't be alone.

"We're all actually in either theater or music, except Namjoon; he's in business," a tall, long-haired boy exclaimed. "My name's Taehyung!"

Smiling, I nodded, "we should all talk about it together then. I'm also majoring in business! This is great."

As Yoongi's friends settled into the room, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and I found myself gradually opening up to them.

"So, Yoongi, are you going to cook dinner for us or what?" one of the friends teased, giving him a playful nudge. Remembering correctly, his name was Jin.

Yoongi chuckled, running a hand through his long black hair. "I was actually just about to make some ramen," he admitted sheepishly, glancing over at me apologetically.

I smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Yoongi. "Ramen sounds perfect," I said, eager to join in the conversation.

"Business major, right?" someone asked in the group, trying to recall where in the large conversation going on who it was, until they made eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I am," I replied, "sorry, your name slipped my mind, can you tell me again?"

"It's Namjoon, Kim Namjoon," he replied with a smile. As the group dispersed, with some touring Yoongi's dorm, and Jin and Jungkook playing video games, Namjoon stayed with me at the table and engaged in conversation.

"What made you want to study business?" I asked curiously, wanting to get to know him better.

"Well, when I was growing up, everyone told me I was a good leader in games and making ideas for projects. I always had good grades, so I figured business was the way to go," Namjoon explained, leaning onto the table, arms folded, as we talked.

Smiling, I nodded, "I understand what you mean, except the leader part. I'm pretty shy, so I usually pitch ideas in a way no one feels forced—at least I hope no one does. Business also offers good pay. I minor in theater and music because that's my true passion."

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