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Ann was sitting in class impatiently,"only 5 minutes till school's out" she thought to herself. Today was the last day of school, Then she could start summer. Last summer she Had lots of fun with her dad. They had water balloon fights, they watched fireworks. It was like her and dad against the world. She suddenly got snapped out of her thoughts by Ms. Adam calling on her to answer a question. She looked up "W-what?" Ms. Adam looked at her sternly. "Ann, what is the formula for X. Come right it on the board." She said, I stood up nervously, "why hadn't I been paying attention?" I thought to myself as I grabbed the chalk with a shaking hand.."U-um.." I stared at the board, but just then the bell rang and I relaxed. I was saved by the bell. As kids rushed out I was along with them, talking to my best friend Hazel about what she was going to do during the summer. "I'm going on vacation in Hawaii!" She said excitedly, "That's cool." I said, chuckling. I walked outside to my normal spot where I stood when I was waiting for father to pick me up. I grabbed my book and started reading. After several minutes which felt like hours, my father pulled up Infront of me and I opened the door to the passenger seat and got in. "Hi dad" I said putting my seat buckle on. "Hi sweetie.." he said hoarsely, I looked at him worried. He looked strangely pale and had bags under his eyes. On the drive home, he was strangely coughing a lot. We pulled up into our driveway, I opened my door and got out. Backpack in one hand and book in other.

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