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After some days, me and Alex were really fond of each other. One day Alex said he wanted to show me something. "Alex are you sure we should be walking outside of the town? I mean we could get lost or worse..eaten by vultures..ew.." Alex chuckled. "I'm sure they wouldn't really want to eat something as weird as you" he said jokingly and before I could say anything he pulled my hand and brung me to a forest. He kept walking while dragging me. "How about you use your legs Ann. You could get your pants dirty. Or a snake could bite your leg" he said and I jumped up "snakes!?" I said "you never said anything about snakes!" I stood up and started walking. "Oh calm down." He said laughing as we reached a waterfall he walked behind it and gestured me to follow. I followed him. My hair getting wet "ugh..I hate getting my hair wet.." I mumbled as he kept walking with me. He then showed me a beautiful lake. As shiny as crystals. "Woah.." I said.."yeah. I've known about this place for a long time. I just haven't told anyone." He said splashing me with the water. "Hey! Oh you wanna play that game!?" I push him into the water but he doesn't come back up. "Alex?" I said, "Alex this isn't funny.." I was starting to panic "Alex!?" Then suddenly I felt a hand grab my ankle "what the-" I got pulled in and saw Alex grinning, we both swam up "you shoulda seen your face! It was priceless!" He laughed "well played.." I said chuckling.

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