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The next day. I got to explore the town, it was pretty dull to be honest. Nothing really eye catching I kept walking until I bumped into someone and we both fell. The other person dropped all their things. I sat up to see a boy with scruffy blonde hair, hazel eyes and freckles hurrying to grab his things. I decided to help him and he glanced a sharp look at me. "I don't need any help" he said angrily pushing me backwards—but not hard enough to do any real damage—and continuing to collect his things. I looked at him angrily "I was just trying to help! You didn't have to be rude about it!" I said standing up and dusting myself off. "well I didn't want you trying to steal anything from me!" He said angrily. "Steal!? Why would you think I would steal!?" I snapped at him. "Because you look like that kind of person!" He said and pushed past me still holding his stuff. I stomped off and walked back to the cottage, swinging the door open aggressively then slamming it shut. Grandpa looked at me"What happened?" He said in a concerned tone. "Everything!" I yelled and stomped to my room slamming the door closed. I sat on my bed and started crying.."I miss dad..I just wanna go home."

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