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I held my father close as sirens filled my ears. The police and ambulance were there. Tears were forming in my eyes as I saw my father being transported on the ambulance. I walked inside and looked at my dad. "God..I hope your ok dad.." I whispered to myself as we drove to the ambulance. When we got there. I felt my heart sink to see my father on life support. The doctor started telling me the news."Your father has Valvular Heart Disease and he needs serious medical attention. He has made it his wish to send you to your grandparents since he doesn't trust you alone in the house." I felt my heart sink even more knowing that I couldn't be with my dad through this painful time."look we know this is hard for you but-" I pushed past him with tears in my eyes and ran off to the lobby, sitting down and crying to myself. Negative thoughts flooding my brain. "What if he dies? What if this medical care isn't enough. What if he misses me? What if I miss him?" I keep crying to myself but then I hear a little boy's voice. "Hewo. Why are you crying?" I looked up to see a little boy who looked about 5. "Uhm..my-my dad is really really sick and I can't be with him.." I say, trying to sugar coat it. I could Suger coat it to this boy...but I couldn't do it to myself.."Well since you can't be with your dad..I let you keep Benjamin!" He said holding out a little stuffed bear. I sniffled and smiled. " Oh no..it's fine, I don't want to take your things." He smiled and dropped the bear into my lap, waddling away. I looked at the bear...maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought.

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