Teenagers scare me

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{Tw ⚠️ Talks about periods so if you don't want to read this chapter you can skip it! I might end the story soon sorry.
So in the last chapter the twins were two. It's been a few years and now there 13. Lilith is like an aunt to them and is a better person now. Charlie and Vaggie are married. And Cherri is now in heaven with sir pentious.}

*Lucifer Pov*
The hotel has been packed with sinners wanting to rehabilitate themselves. Since it was so packed Alastor, Allen, Laura and I moved to the castle. It's been 2 years since we moved to the castle. Charlie and the rest of the original hotel members come and visit often to see how we are. Laura and Allen are pretty close but ever since they turned 13 there not as close as they used to be. I've noticed Laura has been acting very weird.

One day she'll be mad and distant. The next she'll be talkative and clingy. Well Charlie was like that when she was 13 as well so I guess it's just a teenager phase. Allen on the other hand, he's very energetic wanting to go outside or go skateboarding with his friends. Alastor isn't a bad parent but sometimes he doesn't really know how to handle the twins.

Like one time when they were 4 Allen wanted to eat ice cream. It was about 8:06 p.m. and Alastor had told him no and that he can have so the next day after breakfast. Allen started crying and Alastor didn't know what to do. Allen cried for 30 minutes straight and Alastor gave him the ice cream just to shut up. Allen didn't sleep until 2:00 a.m. and they were both so tired the next day.

Another time was when the kids were 6. Laura was watching a show. Alastor told her that she had to sleep but she started complaining that she wasn't tired. Alastor let her watch the whole show and she was tired the whole day. The sad part was that we were in Lu Lu world.

I truly love Alastor and he's really funny. I'm glad that I get to be with him for all eternity. And I know by the way he acts that he's happy to be with me as well. I love our family and nothing could change that.

*Laura pov*
I was in my room just watching sintok
(tiktok) until I had a random cramp in my stomach. I went to the restroom cause I had to use it. When I was using the restroom I noticed that there was blood. Holy shit I'm going to die! "MOM! PLEASE COME I THINK I'M DIEING!" Mom came into the restroom and he saw the blood. "Fuck this can't be happening. I haven't talked about with you."

What the hell was he talking about? "Mom you told us about sex so what are you talking about?" (Their in hell so there's no school.) "Sweetie do you know what a period is?" I just shook my head cause I really didn't know what that was. I mean I know that on earth middle schools and high schools have periods but I'm bleeding from well THERE! So I have no idea what he means. "Let me call your aunt and sister so they can explain to you what your period is." I started getting nervous but just nodded my head. I cleaned myself up and got out of the restroom and went to my room.

*Lucifer Pov*
Shit I thought I would be able to tell when she was going to get her period. I called Charlie and Lilith to see if they would be able to help me. Thank my father they said yes.

I feel like such a bad parent. Should I tell Alastor? Well I guess I should since she is closer to him. "Hey Alastor! Can you come here, I have to tell you something." He used the shadows to teleport to me and Allen did the same.

"Hey mom, where's Laura?" "Laura is in her room but she doesn't really want to see anyone in this moment." Allen nodded his head and asked if he can go outside with some of his friends. I of course let him go out. "So why did you call me Lucifer?" Ok now either I tell him straight up or let him figure it out. What do I do?

"Umm so you know how Laura had been acting weird and stuff." He nodded his head looking confused. "Uh so she called me into the bathroom and when I went in there she was bleeding." Shit I should've just told him something different. "What? Bleeding? Is she ok? Where is she?"   "Alastor... I don't think you get it." He was even more confused than ever. "Alastor... Laura is on her period."     "WHAT! Are you serious?" I nodded my head. "Fuck!" I guess he forgot about girls having their period.

A few minutes had passed till Charlie and Lilith finally came to the castle. "Dad where is Laura?"  "She's in her room." We all went to her room. I knocked on the door and she opened it. It looked like she's been crying. She just randomly hugged me and started crying. "Mom my stomach feels like it's getting stabbed by 100 knives all at the same time." Why do women have to go through so much pain? It feels terrible. I should know since I've been through it before. "Oh my sweet little demon. It will pass soon." I let Charlie and Lilith explain to Laura what her period was. I hope she takes it well.

*Lilith pov*
Lucifer let Charlie and I in Laura's room to explain what was basically happening to her body. "Hey Laura how are you doing?" She looked like she was in so much pain. I feel bad for her. I wonder how she acts when she's on her period. "Did your mom explain what's happening to your body?" "What do you think?!" Wow not the reaction I was expecting. She wasn't going to take this well. "Ok well you're growing up into a young lady. So what's happening is your body is maturing."

She interrupted me. "Look lady I just want to know what to do and what is happening to me!" If Allen was a girl I'm sure he would just be crying. "Well it's a normal thing for us girls to have. No one really knows why, but once a month it will come on a random day so you never really know when your going to get it. So you should always be prepared." She was gripping her hands over her stomach. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. Charlie was pulling something out of her small bag she had with her. "Here Laura, this is a heating pad. It will help with the cramps." Charlie gave her the heating pad and it looked like it was helping a lot.

I gave her a pack of pads. "Here this will catch all the blood." She took it and placed it on her bed. "How long until this is over?" Laura asked. Charlie budded in and told her. "Oh this will happen for 6 to 7 days every month for as long as you're alive." Fuck she isn't going to handle it well. "Wait what do YOU MEAN EVERY MONTH!" Shit this isn't going well. "Laura that the glory of being a woman." She picked up the pads. "I'm Never Using This!" She threw them at the wall, looked at her bed then sat on her bed. "Laura don't sit on your bed you're going to get blood on it!"

*Charlie pov*
I walked up to Laura and told that I would explain how to put the pad on. She finally agreed but when she stood up she left a blood stain on her bed. "No my bed! Ugh I'm so stupid!" "Laura your not stupid you just didn't know that would happen. Come on let's go." We went the the restroom and Dad made one of the maids change Laura's bed covers.

*Lucifer Pov*
My little girl is growing up into a young lady. I'm a little scared though cause when Charlie was a teenager she had an emo phase and she was really scary. I don't want the same thing to happen with Laura. I still have nightmares about Charlie's emo phase sometimes. I feel like teenagers scare me. I wonder how Alastor will react to Laura acting while she's on her period.

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