26 "people are evil and the world is mean"

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"Get in there you piece of shit!" I shoved and pushed a horse as hard as I could to attempt to get the bastard in the stall. The horse was stubborn, the horse knew I hated it so it hated me. "Go you smelly fuck!" I grunted when shoving its rear end. But of course the animal didn't move. "Fuck it" I threw my arms down. "You good?" A husky young voice chuckled. I looked over at Casey who had an evil grin on his lips. "These horses are fucking stupid" I panted. "They ain't stupid. They just know you hate them"

"Maybe I would like that if they weren't fuckin evil"
"They ain't evil"

"Bullshit. Most of them are evil"

"No fancy. Most are better than others. Not most of them are evil" he smirked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Either way" I huffed. "Why do you hate them so much" Casey asked as he placed his hand on the rear of the horse then gently directing the horse into its home. "Like I said. They are all mean"

"No they are not. They are like people, most people are good. Some are bad"

"I have met more mean people than nice. All people are mean" I crossed my arms while Casey continued to do my job better than me. "You've never met other people than the people who work here. What would you know?" Casey laughed. I frowned as normal, "I know that everyone here are mean too"
Casey shut the stall door then looked back at me. "You wanna have fun this Friday night?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder as I pushed the wheelbarrow of feces outside. "Rip said I can't use up all the gas in the quad. They need them for work"

"No no not that..." Casey looked down at the ground in a shy way. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me. For fun"
I furrowed my brows as I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my wrist. "Home? What?"

"Homecoming. It's like prom but for everyone"

I shook my head "prom?"
Casey sighed. "It's a formal party. You eat food and dance. You in or you out?" He crossed his arms. I looked down at my hands as I peeled the dirty gloves off. "I'm not sure. Do I wear my good jean?" I asked innocently. Casey laughed loudly. "Hell no! You have to wear a dress fancy! You have to look like a girl once in your life "
I shamefully looked down. "Do I look like a boy?" I asked. "No. But you dress for work all the time. You have to dress nice"

"But Casey I don't own a dress"

Casey shrugged his shoulder as he walked away from me. "Go buy one?" He called out as he ran towards his father who was calling him from the front porch with a wave. "...I don't know Casey.. I don't think I can. Wont kids make fun of me?!" I called out to him. "No one will mess with you. You'll be with me! So Friday at 5pm. Don't forget!" He smiled wide. A dress? Hell am I going to find a dress. I don't have a penny to my name. Rip would Never let me. He never even liked me going to rodeos or even stores. How do I tell Casey no? I can't tell him no. I'm too...in love with the guy. I may have just screwed myself. "All done?" My older brother questioned as he leaned along the gate. I nodded my head as I put down a shovel. "Yeah.. I'm just finishing up" I looked over at him as he scanned the area I had just cleaned. "Did you get to the fencing today?" He asked. "No. I'll have to do that tomorrow. The fencing hasn't been delivered yet" I said. "Got it" he nodded before holding the gate open for me. I stepped through. "You had no problems with them horses half pint?" Lloyd smiled as he stood beside rip. I shook my head again. "See. Told you horses ain't that bad" Lloyd walked with me as he placed his hand along my upper back. "Hey rip?" I was nervous. Super nervous. "Mm?"
"I was invited to go to a dance this weekened... can I go?" I asked quietly. "A dance?"
"Yeah..homecoming at Casey's school"
Rip laughed. "Fancy you ain't ever been in a school. What makes you think you could ever?"
I shrugged my shoulders as I stopped walking. "I was invited"

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