first day of hell

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[Noel's POV]

It's the first day of hell/school, and I've joined the choir so that'll be fun. Our school didn't have a theatre program so it was kind of just a last minute option but I can still enjoy it hopefully? They'll probably be no popular kids with sticks up their asses there. And I can make friends. My mom told me I have to make new friends because I don't really.. have any? It's probably because someone found out I was gay then told the ENTIRE school.

I get on the loud and obnoxious bus and try to find and open seat. I get a fucking pencil thrown at my head. "oh my god sorry!" this bitch giggles while "apologizing" and looking at her friend across the isle. I just roll my eyes and sit down. My highschool is basically a war zone. This girl fucked him, this guy fucked her, everyone hates this person for no reason, everyone loves this person for no reason, it's hell.

Trying to open my godforsaken broken locker, I get a little frustrated. Finally it opens before I go insane. I make my backpack a boulder and go to my first class, the hallways are crowded and loud. get me out of this place. 


The bell finally rings and I get out of there as fast as possible. I could honestly care less about geometry. wait. fuuuuuck. I kind of hate lunch because I always sit alone like a fucking loser. You know what? I don't care how I look, I don't care how I look, I DONT CARE HOW I LOOK. I sit down and eat my lunch carelessly. Some popular girl in green walks up to me, gives me a note, and walks away laughing to her friends in yellow and red. The blue girl looks uncomfortable and I can tell.

I open the note to see a half-assed love confession that's obviously forged, signed: XOXO, Ram Ram is some jock on the football team. God forbid I wear nail polish on my first day. I make sure the girls were watching, spit on the paper, then throw it away.

another time skip to end of the day !

It's finally 3, but I remember I have choir. God, why did I sign up for this. I walk in the door to see about 5 people- a ginger girl yelling at a tall guy while he's grabbing his dick.., another girl trying to get the Ginger's attention, a guy with crutches watching, and a girl standing ominously in the corner.. fun. The ginger looks at me and smiles.

"Hello! I'm Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg! Welcome to the choir!" she says while shaking my hand. Now everyone's looking at me. Great. "Hi.. I'm Noel." I say with discomfort. She's now pointing to  everyone before they can say a word. "That's Mischa, that's Constance, that's Ricky, and that's Penny!" Half of them smile, half wave. 

"Wait.." ocean says, "are you that gay guy?" WHAT THE FUCK.  before I can answer, she goes on, "this will be amazing if we become friends, people will see that I'm an ally and vote for me more!" I hear an "oh that's not.." from I think Ocean said Constance? She tries to explain herself to Constance. I want to leave already. Mischa, the dude grabbing his crotch, walks up to me. "Yo, I'm Mischa." He has a Ukrainian accent. "I'm 'badegg' on YouTube If you've heard of me before." Never heard of him. "Hey? I'm Noel" I say, trying to avoid being awkward. "Do not mind Ocean, she can be annoying." I chuckle at the truth. Choir starts and we all have to shut up.


After practice, Ocean rambles to me about my homosexuality while saying mildly offense things. "-and that's why I'd love to be friends with you! I'll even let you sit at our table!" im guessing our means the choir. Better to sit with them than no one. Again. I guess I'm closer with mischa, the reason being he's the only other boy. Well, except for Ricky. He can't really.. speak though. And Ocean, only because she talks at me. I say bye to everyone and immediately get a text when I walk away.

Choir! ❤️

Unknown number has added you.

Unknown number: I added Noel!

You: hello

Unknown number: yo

I get on the public bus and listen to my music the ride to my house. Once I get home, no surprise mom isn't home. I go to my room to journal about my first day.

(760 words <3)

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