burnt pancakes

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I wake up to the sound of rain pelting the window and Mischa snoring. 


oh, nevermind. I forgot i was at Constance's house. My head hurts like shit for some reason. Mischa's arm is over my chest and very close to me. Too close for comfort. I check my phone and it's 8:43. Ocean and Penny are out of their bed, probably making breakfast. I don't really know what to do with this position that I'm in. I just pick his hand up and carefully place it next to him. He's a heavy sleeper, I guess.

I go down stairs to see Constance, Ocean, and Penny making pancakes. A burnt one is in the trash can.

"Good morning Noel!" Ocean says. I just yawn while mumbling "good morning" back. She looks at me for a bit, then points out, "you're kind of red, are you okay?" shit.

"Yeah, I'm good. It was just hot in the room. Mischa's still asleep." 

"Hey, didn't Mischa ask you out last night?"

silence. they all stare at me. I'm going to kill Penny.

"What- no! It's not like that, it's like- fuck you."

"NOEL! Language!"

"Don't care."

Mischa walks down the stairs without a fucking shirt on and we all look at eachother uncomfortably. "What did I miss?" He asks.

"Mischa can you.. put on a shirt please." Constance is getting her eyes closed by Ocean while I'm just staring. He's ripped.

"Why? It is not hurting anyone." 

"Just put a damn shirt on."


He goes back upstairs to put a shirt on. Did he sleep like that? I didn't really notice because it was dark.


After he puts a shirt on and breakfast is ready, Ricky comes down and sits at the table. We only got one pancake each because they burnt the rest. 

"As you all know, we have a competition in September so we have to give it our all in practices because this year, we're getting first!" Ocean explains. She's looking at Mischa.

While they chat with their mouths full (gross.), I keep looking up to see Mischa already staring at me, then quickly diverting his gaze to something or someone else. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, please stop looking at me. I don't want to be in love again. 


I like this fucker. And he's not even gay. And he has a whole fiancé. 

Jesus fucking Christ. 

"Noel? Hello?" I break out of my thoughts to see Constance's hand in front of my face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say the most reassuring voice I can. "Just- I have a headache?" God, I'm so out of it. They all go back to taking to one another while Mischa's texting on his phone, obviously.

I am so fucked.

(sorry if this chapter was short, its 4 am and I'm spiraling)

(463 words!)

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