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[Noels POV] 

I've been thinking about lunch today, and to be honest, I'm kind of scared.. not like socially awkward scared, but Ocean just scares me. I have some of the choir kids in some of my classes, mostly Constance and Mischa. My thoughts get interrupted by this loud fucking bell-


Our bells a little.. broken. It has been ever since my freshman year. Anyways, I push through the hallway a little faster than normal and I accidentally push this guy a little too hard and just hear a "what the fuck, man" from him. His voice is drowned out by the other hundred kids in the hallways. I finally make it to the cafeteria and immediately hear "Noel! Over here!" VERY loudly. The cafeteria goes silent for a few seconds, then back to obnoxious. I walk over to the table and sit down next to Mischa.

Mischa's sitting next to Ocean, Oceans sitting next to Constance, Constance is sitting next to Penny, and Penny's sitting next to Ricky. I can tell that none of them would be friends if they weren't in choir together. Mischa is on his phone texting, and about 5 minutes of him aggressively typing, I ask, "who are you texting?" I don't even know what he's saying because it's all in what I assuming is Ukrainian. "It's my fiancé, Talia. She is in Ukraine and I shall go there to get married to her." Fiancé?? Isn't he like 17?? 18??? How did he even propose to her?? Twitter??

He goes on about talia. "She is the prettiest woman in all of Ukraine. I met her through my YouTube comments. We make love on all the social media platforms-" I kindly interrupt him, "Okay I'm going to stop you there. What.. why.. how.. wait, how do you know she isn't a catfish?" He looks genuinely offended. "She is real! Why does nobody think she is?" I can't help but laugh at him. He scoffs and goes back to texting his fiancé.


We don't have choir today and I have SO MUCH homework, it's literally the SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL. God, I hate school. First, I journal obviously. My day wasn't really that interesting so it only takes up a page. Most of its about Mischa. That sounds gay. Well I am gay but it makes it sound like I like him. I mean I would say he's attractive, who wouldn't? but it's not like that.

Satan decided he'd like a word, and my thoughts immediately went to: "what if it is like that"  because my mind hates me. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by my phone.

Choir! ❤️

Ocean: Hello everyone! How do we feel about the start-of-the-year choir sleepover tomorrow?

Constance: I'll definitely be there 

Mischa: I will b there 2 and bring wine

Ocean: Mischa, remember the last time you brought alcohol? You just spoke in rhymes until we got that you were tired. And you were the only one drinking!

Mischa: did not happen.

You: I guess I'll come. Where is it?

Ocean: Constance's house! 

Constance: Wait what?

Ocean: See you guys there! ❤️

Ricky: super excited :)

What I'm getting from this is Ocean texts like an English teacher, Mischa is an 18 year old alcoholic, and Ocean has some home problems so she doesn't want it to be at her house. Fun.

(550 words !)

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