cons of driving: death.

40 0 6

[Noel's POV]

At lunch, of course Ocean was talking about our plans. "I've made a list of everything we can do WITHOUT the mention of alcohol, drugs, or profanity!" Ocean stares directly at Mischa while saying that. He rolls his eyes. "Like what?" Penny asks. She can speak??? "Well," Ocean whips out a list, "well, we could-" she rambles on and on about what we could do at the sleepover. I think we all know this ISN'T going to happen and she's probably just going to yell at us for it. Does anyone care? Absolutely not.

Kurt, (rams probably secret gay lover) a jock, walks up to me, puts a hand on my shoulder roughly and slams a note down on the table. He just walks away without a word, laughing to Ram. Everyone from the table is looking and I open the note.

This cafeteria has a no (f slur)s allowed rule 

I feel bad for ur boyfriend

"Wow, so original." I sarcastically remark. The fuck does he mean boyfriend? Mischa? Probably. He looks at it, but doesn't say anything. "What is that? Give it." Ocean takes it from my hands and I'm afraid she's going to make a big speech about how it isn't okay to bully people. Instead, she just gasps at it. "What does it say? Let me see" Constance takes it and reads it, along with Ricky and Penny. "Oh Noel sweetie, don't listen to them!" Ocean lays her hand on my shoulder. "Please never call me sweetie again." I say in pure disgust. I wasn't really THAT disgusted but just uncomfortable. 


Lunch is over, finally. "I'll see you all at the slumber party!" Ocean says goodbye to everyone. The way she says slumber party makes it sound like a middle school hangout where they're just telling eachother what boy they like and other stuff. "Bye Ocean!" Penny says to her.

Time skip to like 6 pm or smth

I start to pack up for the sleepover and I get like 18 fucking notifications from my phone.

Choir! ❤️

Ocean: Is everyone excited for the slumber party?

Ocean: Remember to bring pajamas, a change of clothes for tomorrow, and your toothbrush!

Penny: Thanks Ocean 🙂

You: oh yeah how would we ever survive without you

Mischa: lmfao

Ocean: I'm just reminding you, Noel. I'm pretty sure you would forget most of those things!

Ocean: Also, language, Mischa.

Mischa: fuck

Ocean: MISCHA!

Constance: See you guys! Making sure everything is set up :)

Constance: I interrupting something?

That's enough of that. I turn my phone off and finish packing. I also try to find that tiny ass paper Constance wrote her address on. God, why couldn't she have just texted me it? I cant find it, so I have to ask her. Again. Fuck no.


You: whats Constance's address 

Ocean: It's (Constance's address??)

You: thanks

Ocean: You're welcome.

It isn't too far, but isn't too close. I'll have to actually drive

Pros of driving: I can get to places faster.

Cons of driving: death.

It's okay though. I can do it. Totally. 

I get into the car with my bag of mostly clothes then set off, careful not to break any laws when the police are around. I get to her house finally and I can see Ricky getting out of his car and Mischa waiting for the door to open. I walk over to the doorsteps next to Mischa as he's grabbing his dick.. again. It's really weird. I ring the doorbell once. No answer. Ricky gets to us and smiles. The moment I hit the doorbell a second time, Constance opens the door. "Finally." Mischa mutters. "Sorry guys! I was just setting everything up.. or I guess Ocean was. She got here an hour early to make sure everything was perfect." Of course she did.

We go inside to see Ocean and Penny talking to one another while ocean set up the cups and plates. I notice the liquor cabinet was unlocked, but she probably doesn't. I have one thing in my mind: where the fuck are her parents?

(words: 662)

how dare he like me.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin