|| Meltdown ||

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Note: I'm literally doing this right after the last part I uploaded because I feel terrible about how long it took for that small little part. So enjoy this one. I'll upload another one because this one is also very small...so 3 uploads I'm one day! Yay!

"Come on, we're almost there" Ori says

*the group comes up to the campfire area but is unable to get there because of a river of lava quickly flowing up from the ground of the clearing*

*as the rest of the clearing waits for Ori to come back, Acho sees Ori and points at him letting the others know*

"Hey guys I think I see Ori!" Acho says pointing in the direction of Ori "where!? Where's Ori!?" Graecie says "finally. Thank god he's finally back how we can leav-... whys Owen out of the cell?!" Krow says when it sees that Ori is with Owen helping him (basically half carrying/dragging him)

"Come on just a little further" Ori says to Soup, Magic and Owen. Ori turns his head and sees the rest of the clearing around the campfire area ready to leave. "HEY GUYS! OVER HERE!" Ori calls out to the group

"Ori! Hurry! The lava's getting higher!" Kyle calls to Ori "why is Owen out of the cell?! Did Ori let him out?!" Bek asks when she sees Owen with the group

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