Chapter 31

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-The Day Of The Party To Celebrate Rashta's Pregnancy-


-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-


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-In Banquet Hall For Rashta's Pregnancy Banquet-


-Third Person POV-

Navier and Angelica were walking to the banquet hall and Angelica was holding something 'I know if I give Rashta the gift, she will learn her place in this palace. Navier won't have to deal with Sovieshu grabbing her and embarrassing her in front of everyone.' Angelica thought as she gasped at the touch of Navier's hand on her shoulder "Angelica?" Navier called out worriedly as Angelica smiled at her "Are you sure you want to deliver Rashta the gift? I can give it to her." Navier said making Angelica shake her head "It's fine, Navier. I can deliver it." She said.

'It's known that if an Empress doesn't have any children to have as an heir then if a Mistress has a child the Empress will adopt that child so it can be a legitimate heir to the throne. Did everyone come here thinking the same?' Navier thought as she looked through a window at the banquet that was going on 'Do they think that because I might not be able to give birth to a child...That they have to suck up to Rashta's baby?' Navier thought. Navier shook her head 'Even if they did not think that way, the firstborn always makes a big impact.' Navier thought as they stepped inside the banquet room which was filled with laughter, conversation, and a genuine happy vibe "Are you gonna be okay, Angelica?" Navier asked as Angelica nodded "Don't worry Navier. I'll give the gift to Rashta for the both of us." Angelica said making Navier give her a soft smile and walk over to a table to sit down as Angelica walked up some stairs to where Rashta was sitting with Countess Eliza, Laura, Cecilia, and Diane behind her.

Rashta had a smile on her face taking in the happy vibe the part was going on, soon she heard footsteps come toward her and she noticed Angelica walk toward her.

She quickly got up as Sovieshu walked over looking at Angelica lovingly "Lady Angelica!" Rashta called out happily as Angelica stood in front of Rashta "Rashta." Angelica said giving her a soft smile "I'm so happy that you came! I thought you or Her Majesty weren't coming as it's already been an hour since the banquet started. Where is Her Majesty?" Rashta asked looking around for Navier "She is sitting down. I said that I would deliver the gift for both of us." Angelica said and handed the wrapped gift in her hand over into Rashta's hands "This gift is from Her Majesty and me to the baby." Angelica said. Sovieshu smiled at Angelica as he nodded to Rashta to open the gift making her sparkle with happiness as she opened the gift, untying the golden ribbon around it to reveal a small decorative sword with some jewels on it "Wow!" Rashta said her eyes sparkled as she looked at the sword carefully picking it up as she inspected it "Oh my! I've never seen such a beautiful sword before...Thank you, Lady Angelica! It's truly a thing of beauty!" Rashta said happily "I'm glad you like it." Angelica said "Thank you for coming to my party. I'm really touched. I really want to get along with you and Her Majesty, you know." Rashta said as she went shy for a bit. Angelica nodded and went to turn around not before Rashta stopped her "Oh! Lady Angelica, may I...Make a request?" Rashta asked making Angelica turn to her "What is it?" Angelica asked "I know you are known as an Empress figure or a second Empress, since you help her with her work and take over some royal duties. But I would love it if you could give my baby your blessing since people see you as a second Empress." Rashta said with a hopeful tone in her voice 'I remember this. Time to go with the plan and say what Navier originally said.' Angelica thought as she nodded making Rashta beam with happiness "Thank you!" Rashta said.

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