Chapter 38

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-In The Rimwell House-


-Third Person POV-

Viscount Lotteshu sat down on a couch as his son Alan Rimwell sat across from him with his son Ian in his arms feeding him the bulter filled Viscount Lotteshu's teacup as he had a smug look on his face 'This is what true happiness looks like. Access to all kinds of luxuries in the capital and my own land that I call home that I always return to. A son and daughter that are healthy and obedient. And...A successful slave who is a guaranteed source of funds. All that's left is for my wife to get better so she can enjoy these luxuries with me, and for Alan and Lebetti to marry someone from a good family.' Viscount Lotteshi thought as a baby cry brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to his son trying to calm down Ian. "Shh, there, there." Alan said calmly to the baby Ian in his arms "This isn't the time to take care of that slave's child, you fool. Your sister is going to make her debut in society this year. Don't you have anything to say about that?!" Viscount Lotteshu asked Alan with an annoyed tone as Alan paid attention to his son but still listened to what his Father was saying "Time sure goes by fast..." Alan said grabbing the bottle of milk and feeding Ian making Viscount Lotteshu more annoyed with him "Stop wasting all your time looking after that child at home. Go and make friends with the sons of other nobles and find someone who can escort your sister to the Debutante Ball!" Viscount Lotteshu exclaimed in anger at Alan as he hit the handle of the chair. "She's not going to like who I pick. Just tell her to choose somebody on her own." Alan said, "Argh! Look at this miserable excuse of a son. God, that boy frustrates me." Viscount Lotteshu mumbled as he pounded his chest in anger, the sound of Lebetti squealing in happiness filled the room as she ran to where they were "Father!" Lebetti yelled running over to him as he smiled at her "Did something good happen to you, my darling?" Viscount Lotteshu asked her and she nodded "I have a chance to meet Her Majesty!" Lebettie said as Viscount Lotteshu turned to her surprised "What did you say?" he asked.


-In Rashta's Room-


-Rashta POV-

"What?! Why would the Empress want to meet Lebetti?!" I yelled in Anger as Viscount Lotteshu stood in front of me and he shrugged his shoulders "I don't know why she wants to meet her. But I thought I should let you know." Viscount Lotteshu said making me bite my nail in annoyance "I'm certain the Empress is trying to dig up dirt on me with Lady Angelica." I mumbled 'I can't believe the Empress is the kind of person who would dig up dirt on other people. I had no idea that was the kind of person she was...' I thought biting my nail harder and turning my gaze onto him "Make sure Lebetti and Alan don't say anything." I said to Viscount Lotteshu and he shrugged "Of course." He said with a smirk making me annoyed 'Why is everyone only coming after me? All I want is to live a quiet life!' I thought clenching my hands. I saw that Viscount Lotteshu was still there and I turned to him "You're still here?!" I said annoyed "Heavens. there's no need to get so mad. You mustn't rush things." He said walking over to a chair and sitting down as I walked over to him "What do you need now?" I asked as he looked around my room "Do you have a calendar?" he asked, "Why do you need a calendar?" I asked him with a confused look and he let out a small chuckle "Were you aware that every spring is debutante season?" He looked over at me "So what?" I asked not interested in this conversation "My Lebetti is making her debut in society this spring. So I want you to get her a custom dress...Using the finest fabric and high-quality gems." Viscount Lotteshu said. I stared at him appalled "What?" I said surprised "There are a lot of snooty designers who only take famous clients." He said with a smug look and I looked at him annoyed and angry "If you're thinking of doing something to me, then I suggest you don't. If something happens to me...There are people in various parts of the palace who will reveal your secret on my behalf." Viscount Lotteshu said looking at me with that arrogant smirk of his I flinched back and my eyes widened at his statement making me bite my nail as his laugh haunted my ears as he left my room leaving me shocked and scared at the thought of my secret being revealed.

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