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When Jungkook heard this, he couldn't believe it. The thought of losing his girlfriend was devastating. He ran over to her and said, 'You want to leave me?"
Namra didn't know how to respond. She was torn between her religion and her love for Jungkook. She wanted to follow her faith, but she also wanted to stay with her boyfriend. It was a difficult decision for her, and she couldn't think clearly in this situation.
Jungkook tried hard to understand why Namra wanted to leave him, but she couldn't give him a clear answer.

Jungkook was left stunned by Namra's sudden departure without explaining herself.

"She just walked away. Without even answering my question. I don't understand what's going on," he thought to himself.

Jungkook left from there as well without knowing what was going on with Namra.

"I don't understand anything! I don't know what she's thinking. I'm so confused and it's hurting my heart" he thought to himself as he tried to make sense of the situation.


at night, Jungkook and Namra were both thinking about each other.
Jungkook couldn't get Namra out of his mind and was wondering if she still loved him.

Namra was also thinking about Jungkook, remembering their time together and missing him dearly.

Namra managed to drift off to sleep while thinking about Jungkook, but he was unable to do the same. Instead, he remained awake in a state of worry over what would happen if Namra left him.

As he kept worrying, the morning dawned and he finally realized he hadn't been able to sleep.

Jungkook was filled with distress and fear at the thought of losing Namra, and he kept thinking about her throughout the night.
As Jungkook opened his eyes the next morning, he realized that his last night had been a sleepless one.

He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, feeling exhausted and weary. He felt a wave of grief wash over him as he remembered Namra and how uncertain their future was. He wanted to reach out to her, but he was unsure whether she would even listen to him.

Jungkook got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He felt numb and detached from everything around him, unable to think or feel anything.

As he stepped under the hot water, a wave of sadness washed over him. He tried to shake it off, but the feeling persisted.

Jungkook washed his face and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was haunted by the image of Namra, remembering her soft smile and gentle presence.

Jungkook finished taking a shower and dried off. He looked at his reflection in the mirror again and sighed.

Still reeling from his sleepless night and his feelings of grief and sadness over the uncertainty of his relationship with Namra, Jungkook felt hollow and numb.

He went to his bedroom to get dressed, but he had no idea what to do or how to proceed. He just kept thinking about Namra and missing her.

Jungkook put on one of his most comfortable outfits and went back to his bedroom. However, he did not feel like doing anything at all. He didn't feel like going to uni.


At university, Namra immediately went over to Manal and Manal asked her "What do you think?" Namra took a deep breath and said "I want to be a Muslim." But Manal said "So are you going to leave Jungkook?" Namra had a hard time saying it, but she finally said "Yes, I am ready to leave Jungkook."

Then Manal said "If you want to convert to Islam, then recite after me"


Namra started repeat after her..

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