Chapter 4: Coincidence or Destiny

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Word count: 1652

Samaira’s Pov
As the wedding festivities continued around me, I found myself seated beside Kriti's mom, feeling somewhat out of place. I couldn't shake the feeling that I shouldn't be the one sitting beside her, especially considering my inability to handle people's emotions. Yet, here I was, trying to offer some sort of support as Naina left for her solo performance-a performance that was supposed to be a duo until my ankle decided to resign from the festivities.

Seeing all these wedding stuff stirred something within me, prompting thoughts of my own future. Someday, my parents would send me off to start my own married life, just like Kriti's mom was doing now. But did my dream man even exist? I had spent my whole life searching for him, yet he remained elusive, refusing to make an appearance.

Lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the raucous hooting and applause for Naina's performance. While the spotlight was on her, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Casting a glance around, I searched for the culprit, and my gaze landed on none other than Kabir Rajvansh. His intense stare bore into me, and for a moment, it felt like the world had narrowed down to just the two of us amidst the chaos of the wedding celebrations.

He was standing beside Mr. Sharma, Kriti's dad, and I couldn't believe Uncle was friends with such people. It was unnerving to see them together, especially considering the reputation that preceded Kabir Rajvansh. Despite my expectations, this shameless man continued staring, his gaze unwavering even after being caught. His smirk only added to my annoyance, igniting a simmering frustration within me.

"What a nutcase," I muttered under my breath, unable to contain my exasperation. Turning my face forward, I attempted to shake off the discomfort his presence caused. However, as I glanced towards Naina, I found her eyeing me with a knowing look, as if she had caught me in the act of checking someone out.

Feeling slightly flustered, I averted my gaze, hoping to avoid any further scrutiny. The last thing I needed was Naina teasing me about my momentary lapse in composure.

Before I could defend myself, she beat me to it. "Before you say anything, I approve of that hottie for you," she said with a smirk, her gaze flickering over to him before meeting my eyes again.

"Naina, tujhe chadd gayi hai, ghar chalte hai,"(I think you've had enough drinks, lets head home) I said with a smile, ready to escape the awkward situation.

"Oh no no you are not escaping this conversation. Isn't he the one you bumped into back near the food stall?" Naina persisted, refusing to let me off the hook.

"Yes, and he is Kabir Rajvansh, the one who barged into my office as well," I replied, irritation evident in my voice as I gave him a side-eye.

"Oooh perfect enemies to lovers," she exclaimed with enthusiasm, her imagination running wild. Suddenly, something else struck my mind. “Where did you disappear off to in the middle of my conversation with the guests?”

She turned a bit pink in the face when i asked this and tried to act all nonchalant. “I was just hanging around, you know. Just chilling..” I saw right through her
little act. “Alright you can drop the charade. Who was it?” I asked with a little smirk of amusement on my face.

“No one! I swear! Come on.” At this i just raised my eyebrows at her which made her sigh and she knew she was going to have to tell the entire story now.

“Okay fine. There was this guy who was hitting on me at the pani puri stall. You might know him, Aditya Chauhan, the international football player and amazingly horrible at pick up lines. Obviously, I didn’t fall for all of that and why would I? The guy is a Casanova, rumoured with a different girl each month. The whole thing was stupid. It didn’t mean anything.”

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