34. Fallen Hero

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13 April, 8 pm 

"What the heck!" Jungkook utters in shock, looking at Taehyung's phone screen. "I thought she was a nice lady!" 

"You are a wizard and you still can't understand people!" Taehyung sighs. "I told you to ask her more. You didn't listen." 

"I never imagined her to be the one who was trying to kill Jihyu. She was acting very nice towards her earlier," Jungkook says, watching the news video in complete surprise. "Why would she even try to kill her own sister-in-law?" 

"For money. If Jihyu is dead then Park Yohan will be the sole owner of their business and company. She wanted the whole money for herself and her future children. But ironically her husband made her a surrogate for his sister's child," Taehyung says. "Jungkookie, she will kill your child the moment she learns it is not her child." 

"Now, what are we doing, hyung? Our plan won't work. She is arrested. Is she going to go to jail with my child?" Jungkook asks. 

"Our plan will work. You'll just have to kidnap her from the jail," Taehyung says and grabs his phone from the younger's hands, searching for more news articles about the Park family.  

"But how do we take her to the hospital to give birth when she is a criminal who escaped from jail?" Jungkook asks. "And what do we do with her after she gives birth?"  

"Maybe we'll just bring a doctor home for her labour and then erase both of their memories. Then we shall leave her back in Korea and let the police catch her and take her back to the jail," Taehyung says and taps on another new article. 

Bodyguard Brutally Murdered at Park Sanghyuk's Daughter's Birthday Party 

In a shocking turn of events, tragedy struck at the birthday party of Park Sanghyuk's daughter as one of his bodyguards Lee Shinyu (31) was brutally murdered. The CEO of Phoenix Electrics, known for his high-profile status and successful business ventures, was left reeling as chaos unfolded at the family's resort in Seoul. 

The victim, Lee Shinyu, a dedicated bodyguard who had served Park Sanghyuk for four years, met a tragic end while trying to protect Park Jihyu, the birthday girl from harm. Police investigations have revealed that the bodyguard was killed in the line of duty, sacrificing his own life to shield the young girl from danger. 

The shocking twist in the case came when it was uncovered that the mastermind behind the heinous act was none other than Park Sanghyuk's daughter-in-law, Park Yeojin (27). Allegations suggest that Yeojin orchestrated the attack on Jihyu during the birthday party in a bid to eliminate her as a potential heir to the family fortune. 

It is believed that driven by greed and ambition, Yeojin sought to remove Jihyu from the picture so that her husband, Park Yohan, could become the sole owner of the family business and wealth. The alleged assassin Go Dooshik (33), hired by Park Yeojin attempted to stab Jihyu after sabotaging all CCTV cameras in the party hall and plunging it into darkness, causing confusion among the guests. 

When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered the bodyguard's lifeless body with multiple stab wounds, a grim reminder of the sacrifice made in the line of duty. Shockingly, all members of the Park family were missing from the resort, raising suspicions about their involvement in the tragic events. The family was later found at their estate mansion this morning. All of them, including Yeojin, claimed that they could not remember what happened at the party or how they arrived at their estate.  

Further investigations revealed that the assassin had confessed to being hired by Yeojin to carry out the attack on Jihyu. This revelation shed light on previous attempts on Jihyu's life, including a tampering incident with her car brakes orchestrated by the same assassin, which left her injured but alive. 

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