
18 3 24

Enjoy <3

Dream was sitting on the sofa switching through random channels trying to find something to keep him busy as he waited for George, when he finally found something, he heard the front door open, which meant that George was home.

Instantly, Dream got up from his seat and practically ran to the front door like an idiot. 

There, he saw George busy with some grocery bags. He probably went to the grocery store after work before coming home Dream assumed.

Dream smiled. He was excited to see George, George had a quite weird work schedule. He would have to go or work  a week or two at a time and then have two or three weeks off. Meanwhile, Dream was a streamer and had a pretty normal work schedule.

“Hey love.” George greated as he saw Dream with his big smile standing.

“Hello.” Dream responded. “Want some help with that?” He asked.

“Yes please.” George answered.

Afterwards, Dream took the bags from George and brought them to the kitchen while George headed to the bathroom and took a shower.

Dream went into their room and sat on their bed waiting for George to be done showering. Eh , I saw the brunette two weeks ago and missed him terribly. He was desperate for a kiss and some attention, knowing George, he would probably have to wait until George had a nap. But luckily, that wasn't the case.


George came out of the bathroom after a while and sat on the bed near Dream.

Dream didn't like straight up asking for a kiss, and he didn't want to kiss George. He wanted George to kiss him but didn't know how to ask. 

In the meantime, George laid  down, grabbed one of Dream's hands, and started to trace the knuckles. It took Dream a few moments to get back to reality, and when he finally did, he laid down next to George. George ran his other hand in Dream's curls.

Feeling Dream's gaze, the brunette got closer and started to leave a trail of kisses behind. Starting from the forehead, then migrating to the cheeks and then at last on the lips.

Both of them smiled as they pulled away from the kiss.

“I'm so damn sleepy now.”

“Then sleep.”

“Can you stay here?” To that, the blond acted like he wasn't sure and was thinking, as if his answer would be anything other than ‘YES!”. 

“Please?” George sounded a bit desperate. Dream wrapped his arms tightly on George and slowly nodded, giving George something to smile about.

Dream smiled as he noticed that George was wearing his hoodie, George had a habit of wearing Dream's clothes, but Dream didn't mind, in fact he liked it when George wore his stuff, it gave him a slight sense of possessiveness over George, like a confirmation that George was his and only his. 

Today, George looked extra tired, exhausted even. His cheeks were a light rosy pink colour, he seemed not to be able to keep his eyes open for a long time, his eyes were slightly red and there were dark circles under them, making Dream wonder if his husband got any sleep the previous nights when he was away. Another look at the Brit. He looked like he just wanted to be asleep.

Dream quickly got under the bed sheets with George.  He watched as George slowly closed his eyes, not wanting to sleep instead wanting to talk to Dream. He tried to talk to the American, but the other was quick to cut him off with a. “George, sleep.” George opened his mouth to protest, but he didn't really have any energy left, so he gave Dream a small nod and tried to sleep. He felt Dream's soft and careful touch, some light kisses all over his face that made him smile. He hugged Dream tighter while keeping his eyes closed, trying to feel Dream's kisses and touch as both of them fell asleep 

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