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It was the next day.

And George was at work like usual.

But only today, he remembered something.

All those places had footage, and he had a flash drive with all of the footage for each murder.

He remembered putting it somewhere in his office before leaving.

How did he forget about that.

So now, George just had to find that thing.

How hard can it be?

George got up from his seat and he looked at the room he was standing in. It was pretty small. He began to open the drawers and pull anything  in there out and then checking it, there were five drawers. And George did this process five times, not finding anything.

Then he got up and there was a shelf filled with books and flies. George began to take off books and files off of the shelf. He was also checking them to see if there was something in there that he had forgotten about.

But nothing.

He thought that he was missing something, surely he had to. 

But he didn't find anything, and in the process of re checking everything, he had also managed to trip and fell in a few papers that fell on the floor, and when he slipped he managed to take down some files and important paperwork from the desk.

George backed away to look at the mess he had created. Papers everywhere, on the floor, on the desk, on the chair, you name it. The flies were also thrown randomly somewhere on the floor or table, there were pens and pencils on the floor. His desk was covered in random shit.


George began to pick up the mess he created, he put everything where it was supposed to be, at least tried. He put back everything where he remembered the were, and that went as well as you'd expect.

Finally, just a few more sheets of paper, and George would have been done.

He bent over and grabbed a sheet of paper, and in the process of getting up he hit his head on a shelf that was behind the desk. 

A few things from the shelf fell, and the brunette mumbled a curse under his breath before starting to pick everything up. 

He was almost done, when he saw a flash drive on the floor.

That was it.

George grabbed it and plugged it into his computer and there was the footage, there were numerous videos titled 44 calibre killer (01) and so on.

George was shaking with excitement.



Two passed, and George had seen all of the videos.

But now he was more confused than before, in all of the videos the killer covered his face, and George remembered that part, but there was something.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

No, no no no no no no. This couldn't be happening, how the fuck. There wasn't a single hint in there.

George couldn't believe it, how was that even possible? Everyone makes mistakes.

But then why the hell weren't there any in there?

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