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5 years ago.

The echo of the shattered glass pierced the almost 15 year old girl's fragile ears as she wept. "It's all your fucking fault!" Her father cursed at the girl, chucking yet another empty bottle, observing as it charged at her. Fortunately for the Carter girl, she managed to duck just in time to avoid any severe cuts. "I'm sorry." She wept, tears cascading from both sides of her delicate reddened cheeks, now too, staining her soft skin.

Truthfully, it wasn't Marissa who was responsible to her mother's execution. It was her father himself, the culprit who refused to admit his actions. He himself called out his supposed 'love of his life' as if the crime she had committed was not all for him.

Shortly after, the man had fell into a deep slumber, now was her chance. Her chance to kill her father. To put an end to her misery. But she couldn't do it. No matter how much force and pressure she applied to her index finger, the bullet wouldn't budge - almost as if it told her not to do pull the trigger despite how strongly she wanted to do it. Several more tears leaked onto her crimson shirt as she shuddered, sucking in a tight breath before repositioning herself. "You can do this Marissa." She told herself, but could she?

She stood frozen. Contemplating as to whether the punishment was worth it or not. She wept once more. "Come on!" She screamed to herself - luckily not enough for her father to hear as he later in his sleeping state. Her finger lied on the trigger for another few minutes. This was her chance. Why wasn't she taking it?

2 years ago.

She finally managed to gain control of the situation. Grabbing the gun her father had kept all these years, the one he would threaten her with whenever she would refuse to oblige to his ridiculous orders.

"You won't do it. I'm your father for god's sake!" Her father stared directly at Marissa who held a strong grip on the safety-free gun. "You stopped being my father the day my mother was floated." She softly replied. "Come on Marissa, it was to protect you!" He lied, his voice revealing his desperation. However, it didn't surprise Marissa, the immediate switch in his voice in attempt to manipulate his only daughter was not an uncommon one. A trick that she had once fallen for. He stepped closer, arms in the air as if he didn't use the very same ones to attack her.

"Stay back!" She warned, backing away from the monster who she was forced to refer to as her father. He was a part of her, he was in her DNA, however she vowed she would never turn out to be like him. "Marissa it's me! It's your dad." He flashed her a fake smile in panic. "You're not my dad." Her eyes became glassy as she kept a firm grip on the gun, her finger lying on the trigger. "Of course I am!" He chuckled softly. "We're the same!" Marissa's face turned cold after wiping the drooping blood from her forehead. "I am nothing like you!" She spat.

𝗜 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗡𝗗 - 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘺 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦Where stories live. Discover now