Femboy Fox Mccloud x Arctic Fox Male Reader (Lemon)

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A/N: In this story there will be four "genders": female omega, male omega, female alpha, and male alphas. Female omegas are feminine and have large breasts. Male alphas are masculine and have large penises. Both male omegas and alpha females are androgynous. Male omegas have small penises, while alpha females have small breasts. In the society that this story takes place in, there is a class divide between the alphas and omegas, with the alphas being on top. Interbreeding between the alphas and omegas is considered taboo, but some do it. Children born from these unions are known as halfbreeds.

Fox's POV

I am flying a fighter jet along with my squad across our city's airspace. I look down and see the squalid slums of the outer city that's reserved for omegas. What the others don't know is that my childhood home is down there. They think I'm a female alpha, but that's just my cover. They know me as Foxy, but my real name is Fox Mccloud. I'm actually a male omega working undercover in the Air Force, where I leak info and sabotage for the resistance. Thanks to the fact that there are barely any physical differences between female alphas and male omegas, many resistance spies were able to infiltrate even the most secure parts of the government and military. I look forward and I see the walls of the inner city. When we pass them, the difference is unnerving.

Before, there was only huts, shanty houses, and rundown apartments that looked like they could collapse if you so much as breathed on them. Now past the wall, we see nothing but fancy mansions and gulf courses. This is where the alpha elite lived. And at the center of the city, high above everyone, was the king's palace, the largest building in the kingdom. Though, we weren't going there. Instead we flew down to our base a few blocks away from the palace. After landing, I got out and I looked to see my arctic fox squad mates. Two of them actually being royalty: Prince Edward Vulperion and (Y/n) Vulperion. I blush when I see (Y/n). Despite being the son of my enemy, he was a good guy, and I admittedly have a crush on him. I know he likes me back, but he thinks I'm a female alpha. If he found out I was a male omega, I know he'd be disgusted.

(Y/n)'s POV

Not even a minute after I got out of my jet, my brother was harassing me. "Hey, halfbreed. Your flying was terrible today. But I'm not shocked, as you're polluted with that omega blood of yours." The rest of the squad, except for Foxy, who glared at my brother, laughed with Edward. I've always been the subject of derision. I was a male alpha, the highest class of our country, yet it didn't seem to matter to my peers. It's because I was born from a fling between my father the king and a female omega maid. Because of that, I'm what's known as a halfbreed. Someone who is considered neither truly alpha nor omega. An abomination by this society's standards. Some even say I shouldn't have been allowed to be born. Regardless, my halfbred status means I can never inherit the throne, so my younger brother Edward is the heir.

I ignore their words, but Foxy couldn't. "Prince Edward, regardless of his background, he is one of the Air Force's best pilots. I please ask you not to slander him." She said this as politely as she could. After all, she was speaking to the future king. Edward frowned. "You are needlessly too kind, Foxy. You don't need to protect this disgrace to the Vulperion family name. Remember, he's a halfbreed. The spawn of one of those vermin from across the wall. Unlike you and I, deer. We're pure-blooded. Which is why you should reconsider my previous offer." I grit my teeth. He's talking about him asking her to be his lover. He damn well knows I've liked her for awhile, which is probably why he's doing this. Fortunately, as with before, she shuts that down. "Sorry, but my heart belongs to another." She said with a sickly sweet smile. It felt good seeing the look of rejection on my brother's face. After that, we went back to our quarters.

Fox's POV

As I head to my room I walk past a cleaner, who subtly hands me a note. When I get to my room, I decipher the code to get the message. It says Operation Maw is set to occur in two days at 1100 hours. That's the time we'll be out on one of our patrols. Operation Maw is when we all at once launch an attack from within the military. With the kingdom's ranks in chaos, the neighboring Republic of Pantera will invade. In that country, they believe alphas and omegas should be equal. So, they've been funding our rebellion. When the attack begins, I'm to turn on my squad mates and assist the Panteran fighters. I know that likely every person I flew with today will be killed. But there is one person I don't want to die.

Femboys x Male Reader LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now