Orland & Ophelia P2

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Aegon picked the children up, giving them both kisses on the cheek. He was so happy. Now he just needed to prove to them that he was going to be the best father ever. He turned to Shela and gave her smile as well, possibly the first genuine one he'd given her in all of their time together.

"I won't forget about you either. We're going to be a family now. All four of us. No one is going to separate us ever again."

"Orland has some legitimate concerns Aegon, you're the heir to the throne you can just come running off to see us all the time and you stay here too long the king's guard or the city watch will come after you. And what is to happen when your father dies? Surely you will be king, so you visiting us will become even less likely and if anyone was ever to know of your bastard children they'd have to kill them to ensure your legitimate children succeed you"

Aegon knew she had a point. But he was not going to let that fear be a reason as to why he could not be with his children. Even when King he would make sure he was present in their lives. He would never let them go again. There were a lot of complications but he was going to make it work. He was going to have to.

"I'll figure something out. I'll make something work. I'm not going to let this be a reason as to why I can't spend time with you. I'm their father. I'll make it work. I promise."

"alright, if you're sure" Shela smiled giving him a kiss "Come on you two, how about you take daddy downstairs and show him your toys?"

He smiled and let his children lead him out of the bar area and downstairs to their living quarters. He was quite curious about what toys they owned thinking back to his piles of toys as a young boy, mountains of play swords and shields, dragon toys to his heart's content but that is not what he found. The downstairs was a small apartment with a bathtub toilet and sink on one side, a double bed on the other and in the centre a rug covered in small plushies, wooden dragons and a table with a small model of king's landing no bigger than 30cm square, that was all the place had but the children so excited showed him all their small toys. The place was small but clean, the toys sweet clearly Shela didn't have much money to spoil the twins but still did her best to give them everything they wanted.

He couldn't help but smile as he saw them proudly show him all their toys. It was such a wholesome sight. To see his children so excited to show their small collection of toys and plushies. They were so sweet and gentle, the opposite of what he could ever be. He felt the warm feeling inside of him grow.

"May I ask you a question, children?"

Ophelia nodded as she hugged her bunny plushie Orland was busy having his wooden dragonfly around the red keep model, as Shela came down too and sat on the corner of the bed to watch them play together,

He looked at both of them for a few seconds. "I wanted to ask you both if...you would mind...if I lived with you permanently."

both children jumped with excitement and hugged him tight almost throwing him to the floor they were so happy and excited,

He was surprised by their reaction. He thought the question would be one that they'd hesitate a lot to answer. But they were already saying yes and showing him affection. Just the sight of them made it clear he had missed so much. The sight of them hugging him and smiling at him was enough to make him want to tear up and he almost did. He did not expect them to be so happy to have him. He should've asked this question sooner.

after calming down the children go back to playing with their toys and as Aegon glances around it's obvious how little his children have but he can't blame Shela as she has been doing everything she can to give them a good life on the money a barmaid must make

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