What Happened At Driftmark

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Aegon looked bored at the sobbing crowd in Driftmark, a relative had died, he really didn't care, he was only there for the Alcohol, Aegon glanced around the crowd, trying to put names to faces given how long it had been since he had seen most of ...

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Aegon looked bored at the sobbing crowd in Driftmark, a relative had died, he really didn't care, he was only there for the Alcohol, Aegon glanced around the crowd, trying to put names to faces given how long it had been since he had seen most of the family, he could pick out some names and faces but stopped short at one in particular,

Y/n, technically his niece even if they were only perhaps two or three years apart in age, his half-sister's eldest child and daughter. Aegon had known her and been fairly close to her when they were children Y/n, was a short girl in a black dress with red accents, she had long dark curls as all those children did,

She meets eyes with Aegon and gives him a faint smile,

Aegon almost choked on his mouth full of wine when he noticed Y/n, Aegon was speechless, shocked to say the least and was paralyzed by her eyes, The prince finally snapped out of his amazement when he saw Y/n give him a shy smile, quickly drank all the remaining contents of the wine and returned her smile with a cheeky "flirty" smile.

she giggled a little hiding her giggle behind her hand,

Aegon laughed he found it adorable, so cute, his eyes continued to look at her, as if he were a hungry wolf staring at his prey. But his smile faded when he noticed his mother giving a cold and serious look him her own mother giving her a glare too.

Aegon's playful smile disappeared, he knew what that look meant "Don't." Aegon decided to ignore his mother, he waited until her mother left her alone for a moment so he quickly went over, "Hello Y/n... Long time no see, you have grown much more beautiful."

Said Aegon with a friendly smile, trying to impress her, he didn't want to look like a jerk right now.

she smiled and curtsied "Good afternoon Prince Aegon," she smiled "it has been a time indeed, you have only grown more wise and handsome During this time my prince"

"Don't say that, you will inflate my ego." Aegon said with a friendly laugh, his eyes looking at her from top to bottom once again, Aegon just found her so adorable. The prince wanted her, he wanted her now, now if he was honest, but he was holding back for now, he doesn't want to look rude. "Can I walk with you a bit? I want to talk with you, it's been a while since I see your cute face."

"yes my prince" she nodded

Aegon smiled when he heard Y/n's answer, Aegon extended his arm towards her, a friendly and playful smile on his lips, he honestly wanted Y/n, even if it was just for one night... He would be happy with that,

she nodded and took his arm in one hand and the other on the skirt of her black dress holding it a little so she could walk without treading on it

As the two of them walked, Aegon's eyes continued to look at Y/n, Aegon just couldn't get over how much he had missed his "pretty niece" he wanted her so much.

"May I ask you a question? Why don't you and I talk to each other more often? You're my niece, the daughter of my half-sister, it's a shame we don't talk often."

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