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Ageon sat in the council chamber, in his seat as king. The table was empty but for himself, dressed in his finery and his chain, but his hand trembled as he forced down the dregs of his cup. He forcefully put down his cup on the table the sound echoing across the chamber. 

Such a sound got the attention of the only other person in the room, the young cupbearer. She took the wine and came over, her small pale yellow dress swishing as she walked, her hair in a long braid, she approached nervously as she came to lean over the table to fill his cup to the brim. She felt his eyes as he glanced down to the cleavage of her dress, she didn't speak but she prepared herself for the pinch, and slap or fondle he was well known for. 

"Do you know your duties, Girl?" He snapped, 

"To... refill the wine, your grace," She answered sheepishly, 

"I meant your other duties," He chuckled his eyes never leaving hers, 

"No, your grace,"

He chuckled, "Do they train their girls to be obedient when you come from?"

"Yes, of course, I... I know to be very obedient your grace," 

"Well, as you're an obedient and... quite pretty little thing, I shouldn't wonder if your lord after had other reasons for sending you to me," He chuckled drinking his wine, 

"I- I do not know my father's mind, your grace,"

A slight grin turns up the corners of his lips, "Sit."

"Your grace?"

"Sit. Sit with me, have a drink," He stroked his knee invitingly, 

"Oh- I- I do not drink your grace,"

"Is that so? Why not?"

"I do not like the taste..."

"Well, I want you to drink with me. Here." He takes another cup and fills it to the brim, "Drink up. Now." He says less of a request and more of a demand, 

She takes the cup in her trembling hand and takes the smallest sip she could, 

He watched and chuckled with a predatory smile, "Good girl, Another. A bigger one this time and make sure you... swallow." 

She nodded and held her breath as she took a quick mouthful swallowing it fast as soon as she did her body shook as she grimaced from the taste of the strong wine, 

Aegon watches her with satisfaction and a sly chuckle being such a seasoned drinker, "Good girl. Now take another mouthful and this time. you don't stop until the cup is empty." he smirked but his voice stern never breaking eye contact, 

she nodded unable to avoid his eyes, her eyes read of fear but she does as he demanded. She held her breath and drank until the cup was empty even if she grimaced, and trembled from her dislike of the taste. And when the cup was empty she sat it on the council table with a clang gulping one last time to try and remove the taste from her mouth even if given her downing of the wine some of the red wine stained her lips and some even fell down her chin. 

He smirked and leaned forward in his seat, He wiped her chin and smirked as he sniffed a little enjoying the scent of the wine on her lips, "My, are you feeling tipsy now?"

She shakes her head, 

His eyebrow raised, "No? Are you sure little thing?" he smirked his grip on her chin tightening, "Are you sure you're not feeling the effects of the wine?" 

"I feel dizzy and sick in my tummy, your grace,"

"That means it's working," he smirked, "Come on I want you to sit here on my lap," He stroked his thigh more aggressively, 

"Yes your grace," she nodded sheepishly as she moved and sat on his knee holding her dress to make sure no accidental exposures could happen, 

"Good girl, now you relax and have a little more wine." He smirked wrapping his arm around her waist grabbing his cup and bringing it to her lips, 

"You're grace..." She tried to protest,


"Yes your grace," she nodded and sipped the wine from the cup as he almost poured it down her throat, she coughed and squirmed but once the cup was empty he sat it back on the table and pulled her so she could lay on his chest, he refills the cup and continues to make her drink the two sharing cup fulls of wine, each time she trembles but begins to feel limp in his arms only able to stay up because she was sitting on his knee and leant against his chest, her lips parted a little and her breath is only the scent of the wine, it's clear it's taken effect as she begins playing with his sleeve and looking around the room like a newborn child dazed, confused and delirious.

Aegon grins at her confused and relaxed demeanour. His grip tightens slightly until he is holding her firmly in his lap. He whispers into her ear, "That's it, good girl." He smirked as they finished the last of the wine, "Now how do you feel?"

she giggled nuzzling closer to him, 

He smirked and gripped her waist tighter, his other hand ripped the skirt of her dress from her hands and pushed it away until he grabbed her bare thigh digging his nails in, "Perfect," He growled...

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