A Star P2

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As the night deepened, Aegon kept a watchful eye over Orion any time he so much as wiggled Aegon was there looming over the crib. Although his own eyes were tired and heavy, he diligently remained by the baby's side. When it reached the hour of the wolf, Aegon gently picked up Orion and carried him into the bedroom and gently began to awake Y/n, just as promised. He knew she must be feeling exhausted and did feel bad for waking her but he didn't want to call the milk maid in to feed baby Orion without at least asking Y/n how she felt about it given Orion had only been at Y/n's breast since birth. "Y/n, it's time... Orion is hungry," he said gently, his voice soft but determined.

She yawned and sat up in bed a little she rubbed her eyes and opened her arms for the baby almost as instinct,

Aegon nodded and carefully placed Orion in her arms. The baby let out soft mewling noises, clearly hungry. As she took Orion into her embrace, Aegon positioned a pillow behind her back to provide some additional support. He knew that feeding time could be physically demanding, especially after giving birth and he sat himself down on the bed ready to help out any more if needed,

she sighed and pulled down her dress, it took a good few attempts to get Orion to latch to her breast but finally the baby began to drink and she sat trying to relax but her eyes squeezed tight from the pain

Aegon watched as she struggled to nurse Orion. He could see the pain etched on her face as the baby latched on. It was evident that the process was not easy, and he felt a pang of guilt for not being able to fully understand the pain she was going through. He gently rubs her back and trying to provide some comfort. "Is there anything I can do to help, or anything you need?" He asked softly, genuinely,

"you could grow breasts that would help," she joked in her tried state,

Aegon chuckled softly, "Ah, I'm afraid that's not in my power. If I could grow breasts and feed our son, I would do so in a heartbeat." He continued to gently rub her back, offering what little solace he could provide during this moment. "I wish I could take some of this pain away from you."

"It's alright it shall only get easier," she said, "Could you fetch me a drink I should really drink when he feeds so it has time before the next feeding I don't want little boy to find the teats are tapped out,"

Aegon chuckled lightly at the request, nodding in agreement. "Of course, I'll fetch you a drink. Do you have any preferences or should I just bring you something sweet and warm?" He carefully rose from his seat, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder before making his way out of the room to fetch you the desired beverage.

"Whatever you have... but wine would be nice. Strong wine"

Aegon smiled at her request for strong wine, appreciating the straightforwardness. He quickly made his way to the nearby table and made a goblet up of strong wine. As he walked back to the room, he couldn't help but chuckle a little at the sight. His wife sitting there nursing a small infant, so he hands the goblet over, "There you go... strong and intoxicating just as you wanted."

"Thank you, Your Grace," She nodded immediately drinking about half of the goblet,

"You don't have to call me that, you're my wife, mother of our child," He told her,

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, just Aegon,"

"Yes, you- Aegon." She nodded, "Ohh all done, he wasn't as hungry as he thought he was," she said taking Orion away,

"I'll take him," he smiled happily taking little Orion again and wiping the milk from his mouth, "oh look at you, milk all down yourself," He chuckled, "he really is like a little drunk,"

"Umm he'll be milk drunk now, needs burping and a nap,"

"Alright, I'll burp him and put him down. You get some more rest,"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, you rest I'll handle him." he smiled kissing her cheek before he puts Orion on his shoulder and behind to burp the baby on his way back to the main part of their chamber,


"Yeah?" He turned,

"Be gentle,"

"I will I promise,"

"And... thank you,"

"You're very welcome Y/n," He blew her a kiss before closing the bedroom door,

Aegon Targaryen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now