Care of Magical Creatures

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10:30, Thursday, 2nd September, 1993

"Right you lot, less chatterin'. Form a group over there, and open your books to page 49." Hagrid said, pointing to a bit of the forrest we were in. We were currently in care of magical creatures class.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco said to Hagrid angrily.

"Well ye stroke the spine o' course! Goodness me,"

I began stroking my Monster Book of Monsters and miraculously, it sounded as if it was purring, not growling. Longbottom obviously forgot to do this, as his book opened and started trying to bite him. "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom," Draco had noticed Longbottom rolling on the ground, trying to get the book away.

I overheard that mudblood, Granger saying; "I think they're funny," and so did Draco, because he started to speak.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny," he said. "Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes,"

Potter was obviously feeling brave today, as he replied with; "Shove off, Malfoy,"

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle all let out a mocking "Ooh," Draco handed his bag to Crabbe, who nearly dropped it. Draco swaggered towards Harry, who stood rooted to the spot. Suddenly, Draco started flinching back and cried out; "D- d- dementor, dementor!" There was no dementor, but everyone spun round, terrified. Draco, Goyle and I all laughed as Potter spun back round. We pulled up our hoods and started imitating a dementor.

The mudblood had to pull harry away. Hagrid then cleared his throat and everyone looked up at him.

"Tah-tah-dah-dah!" Out from behind a large tree came a magnificent beast. It had the front half of an eagle and the back half of a horse. To be completely honest, it kinda looked like a huge chicken. Hagrid announced that the creature is called a hippogriff. Hagrid then continued to teach the lesson, going on about not being mean to them, how dangerous they could be, bla, bla, bla. For the majority of the class it was Potter this Potter that. Until Draco stepped towards the creature.

"You're not dangerous at all, are you? Great ugly brute!" He said to the hippogriff. The hippogriff roared and then hit Draco on the arm. Hard. I was so scared for him, I couldn't move my feet.

"It's killed meh, oh, it's killed meh!" to be honest, I thought it had, as Draco was now rolling on the ground, clutching his arm. He was obviously in immense pain.

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