Chapter 6: Battle On The Road To Love

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A human by the name of Dib Membrane walked with a slouch. He couldn't believe someone like Zim would fall in love with someone like him. It didn't make sense. Humans and Irkens didn't belong together! It was impossible.

The human walked in his room and was met with an ecstatic Professor Membrane "You got it!" Dib jolted then sighed "Yes." He yanked it from his hands and looked at it in awe. 

"Now that we have the instrument of destruction, our family legacy can be fulfilled. But first we'll draw them in with a dance party! I love to dance!" Professor put on some classic jazz and bobbed his head. Dib looked out the window with dread and guilt. Did he let the one person that made him happy slip through his fingers or was his mind just driving him crazy?


Meanwhile, in Clembrane's room, Skoodge was putting on a suit. "Hey, Clembrane, are you bringing the pudding this time?"

Clembrane started to sweat "U-Um...I ate it all!" Skoodge raised a non-existant brow "Clem, that's impossible. We had suitcases of that shit. Unless..."

He gasped "You gambled it all!" Clembrane put his hands up "Wait wait! I got something better at the gift shop!" He pulled out some sugary cookies and candy "I've got it all covered!"

Skoodge sighed "What am I gonna do with you?" Clembrane tapped his chin "Um, go to the party and have these treats with me?"

The Irken shrugged "Alright." They made their way out the back of the ship while Zim put his head down and walked slowly. However, all they saw was water.

Lard Nar crossed his arms "I thought they said the party was this way." Suddenly, a platform with a dance floor and a DJ rose from the water. Gaz gasped "DJ in a clam shell? I'm so jealous."

Tak smiled at her adorable wife. The creatures ran to the platform and started dancing with glowsticks and glow necklaces. Everyone but Zim. Zim was barely dancing at all, only moving his arms a bit.

Tak saw this and sighed "I can't believe Zim mate bonded with someone who was trying to kill him." Gaz shrugged "A mate bond makes you do crazy things."

She put her arms around her "What's important to understand is that love is an enigma that's beyond our understanding. When you and I met we were so different. Two halfs. But, we found our way and our two halfs became one whole."

"But what if he and he-" Gaz interrupted her, putting a finger to her lips "You've got to let go of what you see in Dib on the outside and realize his heart on the inside. You and Zim's bond is unbreakable."

"Wow...thanks, Gaz. I'm gonna go to Zim." She went through the crowd and towards her best friend. GIR looked up at Gaz in awe "You sounded pretty smart, mom." 

"When you go through life like I have, you tend to learn a few things." 

"Zim, you have to talk to Dib." Zim stopped "Eh?" Tak sighed "I know what I said. I may have overreacted a teensy bit. It was just the thought of...losing you."

Zim was taken aback "Wait what? Losing me?" Tak nodded "Well, after you get married you are going to live on a ship and  travel the world...I-I know I'm saying a lot, but after I realized that no one was looking out for me on Irk and my leaders were a lie, you were the only one to pick me up when I fall. I never expected that from someone I tried to kill."

"Woah woah. Hold on, Tak. Look, there are two things I'll promise you. One, nothing will make me abandon you. You were there for me too when I had nightmares about our leaders and helped me accept humans for the first time. And two, I will never live on a boat. The water would be toxic to me and I prefer sleeping in my nice warm bed."

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