You Are Me | I Am You

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Yuji: "I need to move. I need to fight."

Yuji: *Thoughts: "With how things have gone......I'm nothing but a murder."


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                                                        Cutting to Nanami

(We see Nanami walking around looking more Sorcerer's as he's in the subway he walks down the stairs to see a bunch of Curses)

Nanami: *Sigh* "Malaysia...Yeah, Malaysia Kuantan would be a nice vacation."

(Quickly a Cursed Spirit charges at Nanami but it gets slashed by his [Blunt Sword] killing it causing another Curse to come running at Nanami, but he dodges and slams his [Blunt Sword] on the Curse's Stomach hitting a 'Black Flash' splitting it in half quickly turning and cutting three more Cursed Spirits head off as one jumps from the roof but Nanami just slashes it into pieces as another Cursed Spirit comes in behind Nanami going to grab him but its arms get cut off then there head as well quickly two Curses come in as one goes for Nanami's stomach the other goes for his head but Nanami just swings he's [Blunt Sword] all around him killing the the rest of the Cursed Spirits around him suddenly Sensing a hand he swings his [Blunt Sword] cutting off the hand and jumps back)

???: "Sharp as ever, but I'm running short on time."

Nanami: "This job is getting tiring, Where's Gojo?" *Wraps Tie on Hand*

Mahito: "Hmmmm. I don't know!" *Laughs*

(Mahito Dashes at Nanami He uses 'Idle Transfiguration' to shoot out a giant worm, but Nanami just jumps on to a wall and get on top of the worm looking around for Mahito he sees a bump on the Giant worm quickly jumping back as Mahito come out of it with his arms as Blades Mahito quickly runs out of it and goes to stab Nanami but he uses his 'Ratio Technique' to hit Mahito's hands off but once that happens Mahito's hands turning to small little creatures that run off aways from there fight but Nanami tries to catch them only for Mahito to come in and goes to grab Nanami again but Nanami dodges again but Mahito quickly absorb the Giant Worm making Nanami go off balance leaving him open for Mahito to go for a punch but Nanami dodges it and punches Mahito with a 'Black Flash' while in the air making Mahito hit the roof as Nanami lands on the ground Mahito quickly joins him landing on the ground too)

Mahito: *Thoughts: "His hits won't hurt me. Sooner or later, he'll get tired and I-"

???: "Nanami!"


Yuji: "Get away from Nanami!"

(Yuji quickly runs at Mahito but Mahito points his finger and shoots a Transfigured bullet at Yuji making him duck it but once it lands on the ground it becomes a spike and tries to stab Yuji but he dodges it too Suddenly he hears it speak)

[Book: 2] Heavenly Savior (Male Reader x Jujutsu Kaisen)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora