Three years later

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It had now been three years since the family dinner, and Henry was still speechless. Jake and Noah had been on several dates now and went on holidays together. They had even made love a couple of times.

They sit together on a bench, near a pond. Jake wraps his arm around Noah's shoulders and holds him close. He kisses Noah's cheek and he smiles.
"Do you know what today is?" asks Jake.
"Um. Saturday?" Noah asks, oblivious.
Jake chuckles and kisses his cheek again.

"Teachnically, yes. But it's also been exactly three years since we left my family dinner together. We've done so much together since and grown much closer."

"I guess we have." Noah says, smiling.

"But... I want to grow even closer. Because... I want to spend the rest of my life with you." says Jake, standing up. Noah was confused but quickly puts the puzzle pieces together before dropping his jaw with a smile.

Jake gets down on one knee infront of Noah as he stands up from the bench.

"Noah Mercer. You are the love of my life and I never want to leave you. I want us to grow old together. Till' death do us part. With that, will you marry me?" Jake asks, smiling as Noah wipes away tears.

"Yes! YES! Yes, I will marry you Jake Sterling!" Noah screams as he hugs Jake. He puts the ring on Noah's finger and passionately kisses him, smiling.

"I love you so much."
"I love you too." Noah says to his brand new fiancé.

(Two months later)

It was the day of the wedding. Everyone arrives in a stylish suit and gets greeted. After everyone sits down, Jake stands at the alter, waiting for the love of his life to walk down the Isle.

The grand piano starts to play as Noah appears. His parents, holding both of his arms. They walk down the Isle together and smile at each other.

He arrives at the alter and stands opposite to Jake.
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today for the holy matrimony of Jacob Sterling and Noah Mercer. If you object this marriage, please speak now or forever hold your peace." says the Rabi.

Jake's brother starts to stand up, but his mother sits him back down. Jake smiles to her as she smiles back, tearing up.

"Good. Jacob Sterling. Do you take Noah Mercer to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And Noah Mercer. Do you take Jake Sterling to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Noah speaks, wiping away tears.

"Well, with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom." the Rabi finnishes. They passionately kiss on the lips, holding each other close a everyone cheers for them.

They hold hands and walk down the Isle, waving to everyone. They get into their car and get driven off to the hall for their party.

"We're married! I can't believe it!" Noah screams, hugging Jake.

"Me neither. I love you so much." says Jake, smiling.

"I love you too." Noah says before kissing Jake again.

The End

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