chapter 18

190 7 4

Vegas's pov




What an annoying little bitch , he keeps staring at me , that guy , I think his name was Porchay

Well whatever

I won't be surprised if he plans on killing me on his mind since his brother..was clinging onto me..

I knew he wouldn't listen

A stubborn guy like him , totally knew it

I let out a sigh , so this is what they're

I was surprised when Kinn told me what they were

Yesterday was awful..that guy kept staring

Though , Kim's head was laying on my lap , since yesterday night , he was telling me not to leave him , he wasn't alright , he had blood all over his clothes , he was bleeding from his mouth and nose

Yesterday was a rollecoster , If I didn't know better , I would've think he was an innocent bastard

Yesterday , after putting him in bed , I thought I could leave but he pleaded me to stay and for some reason I did , my body won't move away from him

It was strange

His brother kept staring at me and honestly , I felt irritated

"Stop staring , it's irritating"

I said , feeling his eyes on me


He was getting on my nerves , staring at me just because his brother was clinging onto me

"Macau would you do me a favour and get him out of here?"

"I'm not getting out , he's my brother , I don't give a fuck if I'm staring , why is he even clinging onto you?"

"Wish I knew"

I looked at Kim's face


He has that kind of an attractive face , could be a celebrity....and he's awake..

"Ugh! Man!"

I yelped when he suddenly pushed his face forward , his head hitting my nose

At least my nose wasn't bleeding



Was he alright? I looked at him , he was in dazed? What was he thinking of , I snapped my fingers at him , he looked up to me

"I told you to not look at the blood moon but as a fucking stubborn guy , you don't listen"

I said

"What happened to me?"

What a nuisance

"You were out of conscious since yesterday"

Porchay talked , a quite concern look on his face 


"What a dumbass"

I said

"Vegas , that's enough with your rudeness"

I rolled my eyes

"Ugh my neck"

Whining with pain , of course his neck is gonna be in pain , resting on my lap for hours

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now