chapter 19

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Porchay's pov

I did what Phi said

I did what he told me to

I was in the city

I was back


I don't know why my tears won't stop

They kept streaming down my face

My heart ached more when I still think of it

That guy wasn't chasing me , Phi told me I'll be safe but I already feel lonely and scared

I'm scared , what if Phi gets killed? He told me he will be safe since they need him

I escape safely but Phi , why

Kim , why would you do this?

He told me his plan earlier , whispering in my ear , I didn't want to run away , I didn't want to , why did you do this? Why would you do that for me? You're the only family I had left

I can't go back there , I promised Phi to never put my feet outside the city again but can I live without him?

I can't , he's my only brother , it took me more than an hour to get back to the city   I'm sure Phi was doing alright since no one was chasing me , he gave me his card of the bank , telling me he saved up and to use it

I needed to search for a job

But Phi , what will happen to him? Will they kill him?


I looked up , seeing our house , I opened the door , there were dust everywhere yet it has never lonelier than this

I let out a deep breath , I should not get sad like this , I need to be more responsible but can I do it?

How can I? I have never been left alone , even when we had dorms in the school , we were together , it's scary

I went to Phi's room and crawled up on his bed , I already miss him..

Kim's pov

I wince , trying to move wasn't the best solution , my back leaning again the wall , I tried my best to not move

Damn it , I didn't think he would stabbed me with my own weapon , he stabbed me on my stomach , my leg and my shoulder , even if I did my best , even if I lost , I'm glad Chay got out of this

I did my best to gain him an hour or so just so he could run away

I'm sure they won't find him in the city , it's huge and far better is , if one them tries to hurt him , there will be people who might protect him , there are police and all

I wipe the blood on the corner of my mouth , wasn't that surprised when he stabbed me , just didn't think he would hurt me that much

I winced in pain

What a day , when will this pain stop? Will I even survive? I'm losing so much blood

It was already this late? The outside was an orange , showing the sunset

I heard the door opened , I can't even lift my head up , each part of my body was hurting like hell

I saw Macau when he lower himself , getting on his knees

I saw an aid kit with him , he tried to touch me but I move my body away from his touch

"I prefer to do it"

"Would you be able to?"

"I can"

I said as I took the kit from him

He stood up and was leaving the room

"I'm sorry about Vegas , I didn't think he would hurt you that much , I figured out that you both would manage to escape but this plan was kinda off guard , I didn't think you would throw yourself in the mouth of a wolf and let the other one run away"

"You know better as having an older brother , if you both were in our place , your bother would've done the same thing"

He scoff

"What a funny way , I've grown fond of your brother"


"I've told Chay to not tell anyone about your existence , he promised me to not to"

I lifted my head a little , I saw his face bring  shocked but then he closed the door

Arg what a pain!

I carefully treated the wounds , I wasn't that good at it but at least , I stopped the bleeding

Will I ever make it out alive from here?

Probably not , looking at how pissed Vegas was earlier , as long Chay is safe , I could care less about my life

My life could've not been much worse than this

Getting kidnapped?


By vampires?

Worse life ever

I let out a deep breath

I should try standing up , I wince as I stood up , hope the wound didn't open

I stood up , finally , I limp to the window , looking outside

How I wish I could go outside and enjoy the sunny day , my feet on the cozy green grasses , staring at the blue sky

Man my life was miserable but at least I was having the time of my life by going out , by having my freedom

I hope Chay is safe , I hope they don't find him

I hope he can have a peaceful life

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now