chapter 23

182 11 2

Vegas's pov

What an annoying and ridiculous entrance , did he have to burst the door?

"Yeah , you're gonna repair that"

"Oh com'on , it's just a minor accident , you can repair that"

"No I'm not"

"We know you'll"

I rolled my eyes , that punk gets on my nerves sometimes

Macau seems happy to see this guy , well not me

"You might as well control your husband Kinn"

Didn't think they came together

"Not my problem"

I let out a sigh

"So where are they?"


I scoff

"You mean him"

Porsche's face says it all , he was clueless , confused was he

"What do you mean? Last time I came there were two of them"

"What do you expect? They're brothers after all"

I said while heading to the kitchen , human food isn't that bad I guess , especially this thing called coffee , I think I'm addicted to it

"I'm still confused"

I wonder how Kinn eve got married to a dumbass

But that goes the same for me

"There's only one here , the other one escape"

I said , pouring myself a cup of coffee

"I thought no one could escape your grasp? Seems like I was wrong"

"They had a plan and I didn't expect it"

Honestly , there plan was something else

"And you managed to catch one of them?"

I shake my head , drinking the coffee , yep , definitely addicted

"Then what?"

"Too long to explain"

I'm embarrassed that even my healing method won't work on myself

"And the other one?"

"He went back to the city I believe"

Macau said

"I'm taking him back with me , the other guy , we'll see about it later"

I scoff

"Take him with you? Try"

I was laughing directly at his face , let's see how he'll managed to convinced him

I saw him going upstairs

"How difficult is it to get a child?"

Kinn asked

"Oh trust me , this stupid guy ain't like the other's , Porsche's gonna have a hard time"

I bet so , even I could see the small smile on Macau's lips , he knew it's not easy

Both of them are pretty talented , for their age I assume , I may not know their age but they seem to be on the 20s if I'm not wrong

Posche is neither weak himself but he do have a kind heart unlike Kinn , total opposite , not surprised though , I used to like Porsche back then

"You think he'll be alright?"

I heard Macau asked 

"Which one?"

I asked , knowing their capabilities

"They'll be fine"

I said , knowing they both are stubborn , stupid , strong and brave

But Porsche was dense , more than Kim

I heard rustling upstairs until I heard the door opened

I saw Porsche coming downstairs

"Yeah , you got him?"

I snicker

"You didn't tell me he got a knife with him"

"A knife?"

Macau spoke , I rubbed my temple

This guy

"I didn't know he had a knife with him , maybe I should-"

"It's fine , let it be"

I said as I rested my hand on Macau's shoulder

"Dang , he's more stubborn than me"

"I told you , he's not easy , he's more stubborn than you"

I said

"Anyway Porsche , are you finished with it?"

"Well , we still need one more thing , there's an essence we need to create it but we can't find it"

"Essence? What kind of essence?"

Macau asked , I wanted to know what kind of essence they were searching for

"It's called the essence of blood , it's combined with three colors , red , which is blood , dark blue , which represents the sky at night and finally gold , I don't know know the last one"

The essence of blood?

"I hope you do find it soon"

He nodded

"We'll come back another time , maybe we'll go to the city to search for it"

I nodded

I saw them leaving

"I hope they find it"

"I hope so too"

Creating a portal which can lead to another world where we can live in peace

Living without humans

In a world with only vampires , that's a wish

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now