The Base

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After he left, I found myself grappling with the unexpected weight of Ghost's apology. Apologies were foreign to him, a rare occurrence in his hardened world. Why did he choose me to extend this unusual gesture? The question gnawed at my mind, refusing to be dismissed.

Turning my attention away from the enigma of Ghost's behavior, I noticed my cell phone lying on the bedside table. Glancing at the screen, I noted the time: nearing 4 o'clock. Boredom settled over me like a heavy shroud, urging me to seek distraction.

With a sigh, I retrieved my gun and secured it in its holster, a familiar weight against my hip. Grabbing my phone, I made my way to the door, craving the solace of the evening air. Despite my apprehension of venturing out alone, the need for fresh air outweighed my concerns.

Laswell's instructions echoed in my mind - to signal if I required anything - but in this moment, all I desired was the simple act of stepping outside. I knew Laswell would object if I sought permission, so I slipped out quietly, leaving her none the wiser.

Walking through the corridor, my nerves were on edge, anticipating the possibility of encountering a doctor or nurse who might question my presence. The second floor stretched before me, its sterile atmosphere heightening my unease. Summoning the lift, I felt a rush of relief mingled with anxiety as I waited for its arrival.

As I stood there, tapping my foot impatiently, the passing doctors and nurses regarded me with curiosity, their eyes seeming to dissect my intentions. Finally, the doors slid open, revealing Soap on the other side. His surprise mirrored my own as our eyes met in the confined space of the elevator.

"What're you doing here, lass? I was just coming to meet ya," he exclaimed, mouth slightly agape.

I stepped into the lift, standing beside him as the doors closed behind us. "Let's meet outside then. I need some fresh air," I suggested, eager to escape the scrutiny of the hospital environment.

"No problem," he replied, a hint of concern in his voice as he regarded me with a knowing look.

Stepping outside, we were greeted by the crisp embrace of the cold breeze, a refreshing contrast to the sterile confines of the hospital. The sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows across the landscape. My eyes widened at the sight of the sprawling military base, a bustling hive of activity.

Military vehicles rumbled past, soldiers marched in disciplined formations, and new recruits jogged in groups, likely undergoing rigorous training.

"The military base is huge," I remarked, awestruck by the scale of it all.

Soap chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's just one part. It's even more vast than you think. Beyond your expectations."

I turned to him, a playful glint in my eye. "Why don't you show me around then, buddy?" I nudged his arm with my elbow, a gesture of camaraderie.

"Sure thing, lass! Follow me," he replied, a smile playing on his lips as he led the way, eager to unveil the secrets of the base.

As we continued our tour, I couldn't help but marvel at the various barracks scattered throughout the base, likely housing rookies and new recruits undergoing training. Soap's laughter broke through my reverie as he pointed out the laundry area, a mundane yet essential part of daily life on the base.

Next, he led me to the training grounds and shooting area, where soldiers honed their skills in preparation for duty. Passing by the colossal aircraft hangars, I gaped at the array of helicopters, fighter jets, and military cargo planes lined up on the vast tarmac.

The sheer magnitude of the base dwarfed anything I had ever seen before, a stark contrast to the confines of the CIA headquarters, which consisted mainly of office buildings.

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