Kazuichi Soda

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  ⚠️⚠️mentions of abuse⚠️⚠️

     |Soda's POV|
I sat at my desk with my earphones in, listening to my music while tapping my pencil to the beat. I stared outside the window, it was a beautiful day, bright, warm, not a cloud in the sky. Maybe I could go out, I just fixed up the car in our garage, it looks totally banging, I could probably pick up a girl with it if I wanted to... too bad my old man won't let me drive it, I don't totally blame him, I just got my license but still, I'm just trapped in this shitty little house, left to do nothing. I got no projects to work on unless I wanna disassemble and reassemble my PlayStation again... but fuck I wish I would just get a call in from work that some shit wagon needs a new engine, or, something. I wish I had some friends to call me up and go "hey man, wanna go to the mall" but no one at school likes me.

I started out the window and that's when I noticed a car pull up, a nice ass car too, the hell was it doing coming here? It looks so out of place next to our uncut lawn, our cracked up driveway, shitty little paint job the place had. "The shit?" I mumbled as I witnessed someone step out, a girl, looked about my age, in some kind of suit. Damn she was cute- I like her hair, white, but like a purple hue. Is she holding a letter? Why didn't she just put it in the mailbox? Wait- fuck she's coming to the door- is dad sleeping? He'll be pissed if he's woken up by the doorbell, I mean he'll be pissed no matter what but- whatever I should just go get it before she gets his mad.

I fell out of my chair and scrambled to run out of my room and to the front door, I didn't see my dad on the couch, so he's probably sleeping, or he just ran out and didn't tell me again, which to be honest is the most preferable possibility here.

I got to the door and opened it panting just as the woman was about to knock on it
"Oh, hello" she looked at me "Kazuichi Soda?" I leaned against the doorframe and smirked "y-yeah, that's my name" I sniffled "don't wear it out" I pointed a finger gun at her, she didn't look too amused though
"KAZUICHI! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING TO" I heard my old man yell from his room
"N-NO ONE DAD-" I yell back nervously
I start sweating a little before looking back at the pretty lady, she was holding out her hand, and in it was the envelope.
"Here you go, congratulations" she smiled at me
"Congratulations?" I looked down at the envelope, the return address looked familiar... I looked at the front of it and immediately recognized the Hope's Peak logo "W-Wait- f-for real!" I smiled brightly and looked back up to thank the girl for delivering the letter but she was already walking back to the car "W-WAIT!" I called out to her "thank you! W-what's your name?"
She turned her head and waved at me "Kirigiri" she tilted her head smiling before entering the passenger side of the car, damn that was a nice car- I wonder how many gallons it got, maybe she'd let me change the oil of it, if I ever see her again.

I looked back down at the letter and opened it, reading it out loud to myself "Dear Kazuichi Soda, congratulations on being accepted to Hope's Peak academy as the ultimate mechanic!" I gripped the letter with a massive ass grin on my face, my whole body was trembling with excitement, that was, until I heard my dad stirring in his room, and my shaking turned into one of fear.

My dad came stumbling out of his room looking pissed off before walking to the fridge and grabbing a beer "the fuck do you look so happy about?" He said glaring at me. I swallowed my fear and showed the letter to him "I-it's Hope's peak! They want me there!"
He looked at the letter in disbelief "really? A fuck up like you? Kazuichi you almost failed high school" he scanned over the letter "holy fuck, they really do want you..." he smirked "you're finally getting out of here holy shit" he shoved the letter against my chest and grabbed my shoulder "well fuck, go on then, pack your shit. This school will be my ticket outa here. Maybe after you make me rich your mom will finally be smart enough to come home" he walked to the fridge again while I frowned "after how you treated her I doubt it-" I mumbled before dodging a bottle that was thrown at my head
"The fuck was that you little shit?!"
"N-nothing-" I stumbled over my feet while running back to my room in fear
"Yeah you better fucking go to your room! I want you outa here before I wake up tomorrow ya hear me?!"

I ran into my room and locked the door panting "for fucks sake-" I look in my vanity mirror to make sure I didn't get any injuries "shit- fucking psycho..." I mumbled to myself as I notice a small cut on my cheek, must've been from a share of glass. No problems, he's done worse. I just got a bandaid out of my desk and put it over the cut "now just gotta hope no one asks too many questions..." I sighed before laying in my bed as a fear tears formed in my eyes "finally gonna be free of this asshole..." I smile "maybe I'll be able to actually make some friends at this school, maybe I'll get a girlfriend!" I sit up and stare at my closet "gotta pack... maybe dad will let me take the car-"

[timeskip to later that night]

It's about 10 now, he's usually black out drunk at this point. Probably won't be in the best frame of mind... that can either work very well for me or it could kill me, fuck it, let's find out
I walked to the living room slowly with my bags, the old bastard was staring blankly at the tv surrounded by empty bottles "hey dad... can I take the car out?"
He didn't take his eyes off the screen
" yeah yeah whatever..." he mumbled slurring what few words he had "just go-"
I smiled and quietly left for the garage before he could change his mind. I threw my shit into the backseat and climbed into the car's driver side. Dad never let me drive this piece of shit! I started the engine and drove out of the driveway, making my way towards town, I had a while before I actually needed to be at school. So I just put my radio on and started driving.

LOSER- Kenshi Yonezu

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