Arriving to school

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               |Soda POV|
I got to school a little late I'll be honest-
I kinda lost track of time listening to my music. But I stepped out of my car in the parking lot and started speed walking to the entrance with my bag in hand and my headphones in. "Wait-" I mumble "Gundham?" I tilt my head as I see him walking into the building. Ugh... and here I thought I was gonna be able to avoid anyone I knew... I mean, maybe it's not so bad, he never knew me well. He always acted like a bit of a dick towards me but I think that's genuinely just- how he is. Whatever though, I'll just try to avoid him.
I walked into the building and saw everybody heading towards the gym, so that's where I went as well. Luckily no familiar faces- well, mutually familiar. There were quite a few famous people- I felt kinda, underwhelming heh. I mean, there's models, singers, athletes... and I'm just me...
I sat on the bleachers and looked around, trying to get a feel for the environment and people... hmm let's see
Some dude with dreads holding a glass ball- must be some "spiritualistic" nut. Ok who else- two cute looking girls over there playing on DS's. Ok, some of these people seem normal
Then I was snapped out of it by some loud ass yelling
Already- some dude in a white suit and some Josuke looking dude are yelling at each other... it's the first day cmon.
I continued to look around, and I noticed- holy shit
I-is that... no fucking way
Sonia??? Princess Sonia??? Of the royal family- she's in this school... oh god, now I really feel undeserving wait what is she- no way... HIM?!?!

            |Gundham POV|
I sat on the bleachers of this gymnasium... it was loud, people were yelling... I do not appreciate such noise disturbing my ears. Luckily I had my Devas to distract me. While I was feeding them some sunflower seeds I heard and almost angelic voice in front of me "oh my- what cute hamsters" I looked up and was met with a woman's face. She smiled at me in a warm manner. Strangely I liked the energy she was giving off. Kind, yet I could tell she could match my darkness.
"These are no mere hamsters!" I smiled triumphantly as I responded to her comment "these are my Four Dark Devas Of Destruction!" I held them up for her to see
I was only met by a giggle from the woman "well, whatever they are they're cute"
"Yes, they need to be cute to lure their enemies into a false sense of security so that they'd never see them coming."
She laughed again? Was she mocking me? THE GREAT GUNDHAM TANAKA?
"You're funny-" she said in between giggles "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sonia, Sonia Nevermind" she extended her hand towards me
"Hmph- Gundham... Gundham Tanaka" I looked up at her. I felt movement in my hand and when I looked down and noticed Maga-G moving from my hand to hers, and up her shoulder
"Wait my Deva! Do not hurt this woman!"
She continued to snicker and giggle as I watched Maga-G climb up her shoulder "t-that tickles"
I clenched my eyes and waited for the bloodshed, but strangely Maga-G simply sat on her shoulder non-violently "Strange, my Devas seem to not mind you" I smirked "you must have a dark energy to you that they like"
she smiled and scratched my Deva's head "Yes I'm sure that's it" she covered her mouth while smiling. This woman was pleasant to be around, strange, no matter though! She will be a most useful "friend" to me!

While I was showing the polite woman my Devas I could feel a Rageful presence being aimed my way. I turned my head and- oh my? Kazuichi Soda? The clown from my previous school? I didn't think he would be at a place such as this. Oh well, every king needs his jester I suppose... why did he look so... upset with me though? D-did I do something wrong? No, that's not it, I don't recall ever talking to him much... so what did he seem upset about, was it the woman? Is she his mate? She didn't look like someone from our school so I doubt that. Whatever, why am I letting the anger of a fool such as him bring me down, I am the demon king of hell itself. I can ignore him- oh... oh dear we locked eyes, he knows I saw him... blast- "be damned to hell" I mumbled under my breath
"Huh?" Sonia tilted her head and looked at the mortal as well "oh, do you know him? Is he a friend of yours?"
Soda seemed to get noticeably nervous and upset when Sonia looked at him
"I'm aware of his existence... he attended my old school with me"
"Oh lovely! I wish I had a friend here from my old school, I've been worried people wouldn't like me... since I'm an outsider"
"I'm from another country you know?"
"Oh? I had no clue. Where may you be from?"
"The kingdom of Novoselic, in Europe"
I nodded in response and closed my eyes "well, I see no issue with that, but what would I know? Most people don't consider me "normal" so I can't speak for the others here, but you seem fine"
She smiled and sat on the seat next to me

           |Soda POV|
T-that idiot- how did he just... how did he just- talk to her like that? Does that moron even know who she is?! No he's probably too stuck in his little dark fantasy world to care! Or he does know and his little superiority complex just doesn't care! What a jackass...
Oh fuck she saw me- she saw me oh god... oh he's probably gonna tell her what a weirdo I am... oh she's gonna hate me before I even meet her Oh man! I gripped my beanie and felt my chest tightening
"O-oh shit..." I mumbled and got up to leave the gym. I went into the hallway and collapsed against the wall while breathing heavy "oh fuck- just breath Kaz- just breath... you're ok... you're ok... I'm sure it's nothing..." I sat down and held my head while taking deep breaths "you're good... you're good"
"Hey, are you ok?" I heard a voice say to me, I opened my eyes and looked, it was those two girls who were playing video games
"O-oh yeah yeah I'm ok- just uh... nervous y'know" I chuckle
"I get that" the one with brown hair smiled and sat next to me "My name's Chihiro" she held her hand out
"O-oh... hey girl! I'm Kazuichi Soda" I shook her hand
"Oh-" she giggled nervously "I'm a boy actually-"
Scratch that- he giggled nervously "o-oh shit sorry I-"
"It's ok" he smiled.
The other- girl I'm pretty sure sat down next to us "I'm Chiaki" she smiled at me. Ok- Chiaki is a girl's name
"Hey-" I smiled at her
"So are you ok?" Chihiro tilted his head
"Yeah yeah- I just get nervous easily it's no big deal though"
"Well that's good" he smiled up at me "I get nervous in big crowds like that too- here we'll stick with you out here. It's ok" he flashed a toothy grin at me. He seemed nice, and so did his friend... maybe this place won't be too bad after all!

I will Buy You A New Life by Everclear

Hope's peak days | SOUDAMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora