Gundham Tanaka

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              |Gundham's POV|
I sat in my quarters, tending to my many minions while the melodies of hell itself played in my headphones. Today was what most would call "beautiful" I agree but not for the reasons others would. The heat, most would find soothing, but it reminds me of the eternal flames of hell from where I was conceived. A clear sky, a perfect view into heaven itself.
I took notice of the mortals walking down the road, some seemed to be walking minions of their own. I turned my attention back to my own. Specifically my four dark devas. They stood proud in the lair I'd purchased for them at the local "petsmart" while I slipped them sunflower seeds through the bars. After I took care of the devas needs it was onto my feline friend, for being a hellspawned goddess she was quite needy, she laid in my lap, and when I got up to put her meal into her bowl, she climbed to my shoulders to follow me. Once the food was ready for her to eat however she had no quarrels leaving me to ingest. It's quite silly really, that such powerful beings need to feast so frequently to maintain their current form. NO MATTER THOUGH, I quite enjoy taking care of them.
I bent down to the floor and scratched the top of my minion's head. While I cared for her I could hear the sound of a voice over my music. It was unmistakably the voice of the angel who birthed my mortal vessel into this realm of being
"Gundham! Honey come here, wonderful news!"
"Coming mother!" I shouted back, walking into the living room, my angel caretaker was holding an envelope "what is the issue mother?" I crossed my arms
"Oh honey no it's great!" She put a letter in my hands and started reading it aloud to me "Dear Gundham Tanaka, you have been accepted to Hope's Peak academy as the Ultimate Breeder!" She sounded ecstatic. And I would be dishonest if I said her joy didn't bring a smile to my face as well "They've taken me?" I mumbled as I took the letter in my hands "... but-" I grimaced "what of my minions?"
My mother hugged me as the corners of her mouth only continued to bend upwards "honey don't worry, I'll take care of the animals while you're gone"
"Mother, that's simply too much work for you... I will not go!" I crossed my arms and turned my head, shutting my eyes "I refuse to leave you to care for MY minions alone..."
"Oh honey, it's sweet you're worried for me and the animals. But this is an amazing opportunity. Please reconsider. This school, it will guarantee a life of wealth, and success"
"I do not care for such, pitiful, mortal values like wealth or status"
"Honey, if you go to this school, as the ultimate breeder. You'll be able to find the success you need to open that sanctuary you dream of"
"... really?"
"Yes dear, a big nature sanctuary, with deer, bears, wolves, beavers, all of it"
"... I must reside to my quarters" I hugged her back before walking back to my room. She was right, she usually is. If I allow this school to become my temporary home... I'll be able to have the barracks I want... all those minions... running free, safe...


I sat on the floor of my garage, putting food into the bowl of our hell hounds, after I made sure to give them lots of pets I moved onto the rabbit cages. I put their food pellets into their tiny dishes before leaving baby carrots for them to snack on.
"I'm sure the angel would treat you all right..."
I heard a squeaking on my shoulder, I turned my head to see Jum-P "oh? What is it my dark deva?" I took them into my hand and held them close to my face "you think I should go? Maybe... but, what if you and the other Dark Devas? Could I trust you to not burn the town to the ground without me around?" I heard their squeak in response and laughed "you're right, I probably couldn't... what's that? Take you with me, hm... I don't see why not" when I leave, I'll take you and the others with me!" I cackled "this school can never keep me apart from my most trustworthy minions!" I sighed and simply admired my deva while smiling "I will go tell the angel my good news" I stood up and let Jum-P rest upon my shoulder, nuzzled into my scarf "Mother!" I called out and went up to our kitchen "Mother, I have made up my mind!" I smiled triumphantly.
My mother smiled at me and tilted her head "oh?"
"Mother, I WILL attend Hopes Peak academy! And I am entrusting in you to care for my minions while me and the dark devas attend this academy"
My mother clapped her hands together and smiled brightly "lovely! Oh honey this is going to be great for you I promise it will be a wonderful time!"
I smiled and covered my blush with my scarf "I'm sure it will be nothing more than a temporary roadblock in my path to total rule"
She wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back "my baby's all grown up, cmon, let's go get you packed"
"Mother I am not your baby, I am as old as hell itself you know this!"
She let go of me and walked to my room while rubbing my back.


It was now morning, and I walked with my angel to her car, loading my bags into the backseat, and putting my Devas into their cage so they shan't get sick during the car ride
"Oh honey..." my mother said, her eyes started to water "I'm so proud of you I hope you know that" she sniffled as we pulled out of our driveway
"Please do not start crying..." I mumble and look out my window
"Oh I'm sorry dear... I'm just, I'm a mother, I can't help it. I promise you I'll take the best care of your "minions" and I will be alright, don't worry"
I sighed and looked at her "I would still like to return to our homestead on weekends so I can take care of the minions"
"Of course baby"

As we pulled into the parking lot I saw many an interesting crowd gathering into the building. I was suddenly shocked by my mother placing a kiss upon my cheek
"Huh- m-mother..." I mumble, feeling my face heat up, I could tell my skin was now as red as a hell beast's
"I love you honey, and I'm so proud of you"
I look at her and sigh "I love you too..." I mumble, kissing her on the cheek as well before grabbing my Devas' cage and stepping out of the wagon. I opened the back door and grabbed my bags as well.
I saw my mother wave to me as she drove off, and I felt my stomach fill with a strange sensation, butterflies? I looked down at my devas and smiled "fret not my loyal minions... I am not nervous, I am simply feeling the ill effects of some hag's poison"

"Hey, look that freaks talking to his hamsters" I heard some foul voice beckon. The pitch of her voice was comparable to nails on a chalkboard, or a piece of fine china being scratched by silverware. I looked at the direction the voice came from only to see some hideous blonde jezebel with two overgrown pigtails and a loose red tie. I simply scoff at her
"perhaps it's her poison I'm feeling the effect of" I say to my devas before walking to the building "foul wench..." I mumble after walking past the woman and her posse of equally unappealing sirens. One dressed in all black she looked like a true demon, and one with blue hair, though, she seemed familiar. I believe I've seen her in some sort of musical group on tv.

I sigh and start speedwalking to the building to get away from them. Hopefully the other mortals who attend this institution will be less vile than those creatures.

Lonely Day by System of a Down

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